Chapter 25: A Father and A Son

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Third Person POV:

Without arguing with the two men, Kirito was forcefully brought back home. He was currently in a car with tinted windows as he was driven home.

He looked around the interior of the car. It was dark and compact. The outside was dark as well so it was a miracle that the driver could even see outside when driving.

However, the car they were in was one Kirito designed. The windshield of the car had a holographic interface that allowed one to adjust the visibility outside the car allowing them to see in extremely dark places.

Kirito thought it would be helpful for those who had broken lights so he designed a car with the idea in mind.

However, none of these mattered to him at the moment as he was currently pondering what he'd do when he got home.

"Without a doubt, I'll get into an argument with dad." He thought.

"I wonder what he'll say this time. I've rarely ever snuck out in the past so he might let me off the hook but the chances of that happening were next to impossible..."

"Besides that, the one other thing that's been bothering me ever since we started driving, is the fact that these guys found me near Asuna's house."

Kirito has thought about ways on how they could've found him but none of them made any sense to him.

"How did they find me?" He thought. "I'm sure that I took out the tracker in my phone so that couldn't be it. Could they have followed us when we left Dicey cafe? It's possible but I would've felt their presence if they did."

"The only way they could've caught me near Asuna's house is if they were already there beforehand..."

He looked up at the two men, "Which means someone must've told them I was going there."

He thought back to the past few hours trying to recall what happened during all that time.

"Who could've known that I was meeting up with Asuna and was going to walk her home? The only people that would know are mom or dad. Mom wouldn't say anything so she's out. So, that just leaves dad..."

"Would he risk telling these guys that I was meeting up with the daughter of the CEO of RECT? Unlikely. He wouldn't want word of such a thing to be leaked to the public."

"Which means someone else is at work here. But who?"

Before he could go down that line of thought any further, they arrived at the Kirigaya Mansion. He, along with the two men, got out of the car and stood outside the gates of the mansion.

Bercouli met them and, with a saddened look, opened the gates for them to enter.

"Eugene and Mortimer?" Bercouli asked.

The tall, red-haired one of the two men replied promptly, "That is us. I'm Eugene, this is my younger brother Mortimer."

Mortimer was slightly shorter than his older brother but still had the same red hair that his older brother had. He was also well-built like his brother which made the both of them an intimidating duo.

Bercouli nodded and led them into the mansion. They made their way to the front door and with a little hesitation, Kirito opened it.

The four of them entered and were met by Kirito's father, Minetaka Kirigaya. His eyes were furrowed, veins started to show on his forehead, as he gritted his teeth.

Kirito and he locked eyes with one another. Minetaka looked at his son coldly, almost as if he was looking at trash. Kirito, however, didn't break under his father's gaze.

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