Chapter 28: Picnic

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Asuna POV:

I laid on my bed as I stared at the screen of my phone. It's been 2 months since Kirito's birthday and since I reconciled with mom.

"Today's the day, huh?" I thought.

I, along with everyone else in my friend group, have been planning to hang out together for quite a while now. The finals just finished and winter break was right around the corner so we decided to hang out this weekend.

I rolled out of bed and went to my closet. I looked through my various clothes and took a few out. They were quite casual, consisting of a red skirt, black shoes, and a skin-toned long sleeve.

 They were quite casual, consisting of a red skirt, black shoes, and a skin-toned long sleeve

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I changed into them and rushed downstairs. It was nearly afternoon so I went to the dining room where mom and dad were eating.

"Excuse me." I said.

They turned to me and mom asked, "Are you going out?"

"Yeah, I'm going with the others." I replied.

She took a sip of her wine, "I see. Well, be safe and come home before it gets too late." She turned to dad, "Is that okay with you?"

"Of course." He smiled.

I smiled brightly, even though she's allowed me to go out for the past few months it's still a strange feeling for her to let me go. I hugged them and waved goodbye.

Before leaving, I went to the kitchen to bring some food for lunch.

"I'll be back before dinner!" I called out as I left.

I took out my phone and sent a message in our group chat.


"I'm heading to the park right now. Is anyone already there?"

A reply quickly came.


"I'm here. I'll meet up with you."

I smiled faintly as it was Kirito who sent it.


"Got it. I'll meet you at the entrance then."

I replied then put my phone away and hurried to the park. When I arrived, I saw Kirito wave at me from a distance and made my way to him.

"Yo!" He greeted.

"You're early." I said.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Well, I had nothing else to do so..."

We walked in the wide park as we talked. It had a large beautiful lake located at its center and various trees and flowers surrounded it ranging from cherry blossoms and camellias to roses and oak trees.

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