Chapter 64: Inner Workings of The School

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Kirito POV:

It's been two weeks since I found Argo in a bloodied state. I had already sent her to the hospital to recover, but her condition prevented her from attending school and the doctors said it'll take at least a month before she could return.

She's basically a sitting duck.

With that taken into consideration, I entrusted some bodyguards to protect her. As long as Shiro kept to himself, they should be able to beat anyone.

With Argo in safe hands, my anxiety calmed down to some degree. The main issue at hand now was the news of Satoru being Shiro's partner.

For now, we had the advantage of knowing he's his partner without his knowledge. Although attacking Argo may have given him a hint of our suspicion of him, we'll just have to make the best out of this situation.

However, I needed one last piece to the puzzle before I could move against him. The school's majority shareholder's identity and whether they were on Shiro's side.

To get answers, I met Daichi, who had recently returned to school, at lunch break.

"It's good to see you back here. Are you adjusting well?" I said.

Daichi scratched his head, hiding his flushed face, "Surprisingly. Though, some still students resent me for what happened."

"That's unavoidable, but you deserved it at the time."

"I guess so."

His plans for the school were revealed to everyone in his election against Asuna. It was something difficult to forget.

"In any case, let's go."

One more person needed to be here before we could discuss this topic. Quinella-sensei.

We entered the teacher's lounge, which had been cleared out to avoid anyone from overhearing us. I pushed the door to the principal's office open and Quinella-sensei instructed us to take our seats.

"I never thought I'd see the day the both of you would be on the same side come, but here we are."

The atmosphere became sour from her comment. Daichi and I exchanged glances and proceeded to the main topic before it got any more awkward.

"Regardless of the past, we're here now. So, did you ask your uncle, Daichi?" I said.

"I did and researched the name he gave me. Kamura. They're a big tech company, maybe you've heard of it?"

My eyes widened hearing that name, "Kamura? As in, Shikimi Kamura?"

I've never gotten involved with her directly, but I knew her as the student council president of my last school. Though it was for half the term, she was a force to be reckoned with as the first freshman student council president.

What's more, her family's company was a major tech corporation, which used to rival Argus and RECT.

"Who's that?" Daichi asked.

"Someone I know. I never thought I'd hear her name come up, though. So her family's the majority shareholder, huh?"

"Do you mean the girl who tried becoming the student council vice president?" Quinella-sensei said.

"She's here?!" I rose from my seat.

"I heard from Asuna someone aimed for the position before she chose Yuuki, but this is unexpected."

Asuna knew? How could she keep this from me?!

I fell back into my seat with a thud.

I need to calm down. I'm sure she has her reasons.

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