Chapter 11: The Truth

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-2 Days Later-


Kirito POV:

It was the next day and already lunch. The others have already been informed of Eiji's situation. They all offered to help but I turned them all down since I already had a plan in mind.

I asked Silica for help this time around instead of Liz since she's currently unavailable. I was currently walking down the school hallway, going to where I was supposed to meet Silica.

Thanks to my conversation with Quinella-sensei and president Hirata yesterday, I was given until the end of the week to prove Eiji's innocence so I had plenty of time.

-Flashback to 2 Days Earlier-

I followed president Hirata into the principal's office and shut the door behind me before facing Quinella-sensei.

She smiled at me amusingly and said, "I had a feeling you'd come to talk."

Hirata moved to her side like he did last time as I sat down on one of the leather seats. As Quinella-sensei looked at me, waiting for me to begin.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Before that, can I ask you one thing?" I said, she gestured for me to speak.

"Are you related to Cardinal-sensei?" I asked.

She seemed surprised as her eyes widened. "Yes, she's my younger sister." She answered.

"I thought as much." I said.

"Is that really what you wanted to know?" She said, confused.

"No, I just needed it to break the ice." I said. She smiled, amused by my answer.

"So, will you begin?" She said.

I cleared my throat as I leaned back in my seat before I began, "Eiji is innocent. Let him go."

I noticed her eyes widen in surprise before she smiled, amused. "I believe you." She said.

My eyes widened in surprise at what she said. I didn't expect her to answer like that. Interestingly enough, Hirata's poker face didn't break.

President Hirata turned to her and asked, "Are you sure, sensei?"

Quinella-sensei turned to him and said, "You didn't let me finish, Hirata."

"I expected there to be a catch." I thought as she turned back to me.

"If you can prove that Eiji is innocent then I will dismiss this case." She said.

I smiled at her challenge, "That's all I need." I replied.

"You have until the end of the week." She said.

I nodded and stood up from my seat as president Hirata and I started to leave the office. He walked out first and I was about to follow until Quinella-sensei called me back.

"Wait." She said.

President Hirata and I turned back to her. She gestured for Hirata to go and he narrowed his eyes at me before leaving.

I closed the door once again and asked, "What is it?"

Quinella-sensei got off her chair and moved past her desk as she walked over to me. My raven eyes locked onto her beautiful silver ones.

"You're quite the interesting young boy, Kazuto Kirigaya." She said, "I wonder what would happen if I revealed to the world that you were here."

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