Chapter 2: The Chestnut Haired Girl and Black Haired Boy

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Kirito POV:

"Hey, Yuna! Asuna, Yuuki." Eiji greeted them from behind me. His voice snapped me out of my daze and brought me back to my senses. I noticed the white girl's eyes dilate and I took note of that before turning back to the chestnut haired girl.

There was an awkward silence between us until the purplish-black haired girl cleared her throat, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Yuuki, she's Yuuna and this is Asuna. And you are?" She said in a cheerful tone whilst pointing at the two other girls respectively.

I stared at her blankly and realized she was talking to me. I responded, "Kazuto." She extended her hand for a handshake which I took. We shook hands and she said, "Let's go in, shall we? We wouldn't want to be late."

"Y-Yeah." I responded and she opened the door. Whilst we were walking through, I glanced at the chestnut haired girl, whose name is apparently Asuna. We entered the classroom and we all sat next to each other.

"Since the teacher's still not here, why don't we get talk?" Yuuki said, I glanced at Asuna and saw her cheeks slightly red causing mine to go red as well. Her beautiful features could catch the eye of any boy around her. "S-Sure, Yuuki." Asuna said.

It seems that Yuuki will be the one taking the initiative for now, "So, you're a transfer student aren't you, right?" She asked and I slowly nodded in response. "Great! That means you don't know your way around the school yet. I'm sure Asuna wouldn't mind showing you around." Yuuki said.

Asuna was clearly surprised by this, her eyes widened in shock at what Yuuki said, "What?!" Asuna exclaimed, startled. Yuuki smiled at me before placing her arm over Asuna's shoulder, "Could you excuse us for a moment?" She said before pulling Asuna towards herself and they started whispering. I raised an eyebrow at her actions.

Asuna POV:

"What are you doing, Asuna?!" Yuuki whisper-shouted, "What do you mean 'what am I doing?' What are you doing?!" I whispered back. Yuuki gave me a warm smile and patted my shoulder before answering, "Listen, it's clear that you like this guy, I'm just helping you out." She whispered.

I felt my cheeks become hot and I became slightly flustered, "I-It's not like that! I just met him!" I refuted, Yuuki shook her and made 'tsk tsk' sound before continuing, "Fine, then you can start out as friends. Besides, he still needs someone to show him around and you're free during lunch anyways." She whispered.

"You're quick to assume that I'm free, aren't you?" I whispered, "Well, you're free, aren't you?" She whispered back. I paused at her remark. It was true that I was free during lunch so I conceding and she grinned victoriously as we went back to sitting normally.

Kirito POV:

I couldn't here a thing they were saying and was still confused. After a while they finally turned back and Asuna said to me sheepishly, "I-I can show you around during lunch...if you want." I looked over to Yuuki and saw her smiling gleefully while looking at the blackboard, ignoring us completely.

"What are you smiling about?!" I thought, confused. I turned back to Asuna, she was still blushing slightly, "S-Sure. If you don't mind." I said.

"Y-Yeah, I don't mind at all. I'm free during then anyway." She responded and I nodded. I turned to face Eiji and saw him and Yuuna conversing smoothly. "They're close." I muttered. I wasn't saying to no one in particular but Asuna answered, "Yeah, they've been friends since they were kids."

"Childhood friends, huh?" I said as I faced Asuna, "Yeah, you could say that." Asuna said, They're actual---" She was cut off when the teacher entered the room. The noise in the room started to die down and everyone turned their attention to the board.

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