Chapter 41: A Troubled Friend

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Asuna POV:

It was recess as I made my way to the student council room, whispers came from those around me.

"Look it's Asuna Yuuki."

"Is she really dating Kazuto?"

"That's what the guys who were there said."

"Yeah, but it's still hard to believe. I knew—"

I gripped the files in my hands and ignored their comments as I quickened my pace. When I arrived outside of the student council, Yuuki was leaning against the door.

"Yo, Asuna! Let's hang out!" She said.

"Sorry, Yuuki. I have to get this done." I showed her the files in my hands.

"Then, how about after?"

"I'll probably be in a meeting after this is done. I'm sorry."

"D-Don't worry about it. You're the student council president. It's only natural you'll be busy." She smiled and opened the door of the student council room for me.

There was a slight sadness behind her smile. It wasn't like her usual ones.

"I'm sorry again. I'll come find you once I'm free, okay?" I said.

"Of course. I won't hold my breath!" She said as she closed the door.

I sighed. I haven't been able to hang out with her lately and I'm starting to feel bad. If she was the president she'd probably drop everything for me, which makes seeing her like that even harder.

Yuuki POV:

I hummed to myself as I made my way to my next class. I hoped I could've at least talked to Asuna for a bit longer but I don't want to bother her. I'm sure she'll make it up to me.

I slid the classroom door open and went to my seat to check if there was anything that could keep me preoccupied. As I looked through my backpack I took out my Math textbook and a notebook.

I might as well try to understand the new lesson that was brought up today.

I flipped through the pages and stopped at where we ended last time. I reviewed for a couple of minutes, making sure my focus didn't break and that I'd pay attention.

"So, the quadratic equation doesn't need to do this?" I mumbled to myself. "But this method managed to solve this one, so how come..."

I scratched my head with my pen. I'd written down a few practice equations for myself but I don't get it at all. One method does this but the other does that. They keep contradicting each other that it doesn't make any sense. I sunk into my seat and sighed.

I wish Asuna was here...

I snapped back to my senses when I thought that and shook my head. I can't rely on her. She's busy and I can't trouble her with this. At that moment, a pair of girls approached my seat.

"Hey, Yuuki." The blonde, short-haired one said.

"Hi, Ami! What's up?" I said.

This is just what I needed to get my mind off of Asuna.

"Uhm, we just wanted to ask... You and Asuna are close, right?" She said.

"Yeah, why?"

"Did you know that she was dating Kazuto before Valentine's day?"

It seems like I can't avoid Asuna no matter what I do. I wasn't there when they revealed their relationship to the school. The moment I heard about it I rushed to class 2-B to see it for myself.

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