Chapter 57: Vacation On A Cruise

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Kirito POV:

I stared at the ceiling of my bedroom as I laid on my bed.

The day I returned home from school after meeting with Shiro, Sage informed me he calculated no one among the list of suspects was Shiro's partner. But it was already too late, they already got what they wanted.

I moved on from my failures however and focused my efforts on figuring out which student council member was Shiro's partner.

Although I addressed him as a student representative last time, that was mostly because the others occupied the remaining positions.

But perhaps I was naive to think that. Maybe they were one of my friends. This thought kept me awake at night most of all. Since I'd be helpless if it were the case.

The only clue that kept this possibility at bay was the reaction of Shiro's partner when I called him 'representative'. The sudden end to our call gave me a bit of closure, but it wasn't a hundred percent.

Despite knowing he was on the student council, the situation remained the same as I had no clue as to who it could be. Only 4 boys comprised the student council, all of which were student representatives.

I had asked Sage to calculate which of them it could be, but with the limited information we had, he was unable to give a definite answer so I decided to get info about the student council for now.

Just then, the door to my room swung open and Sugu marched in.

"Onii-chan, Eugeo and Alice are here for you!"

I lifted my head off my pillow, "Don't you know how to knock, Sugu?"

She rolled her eyes as she left and I sat up on my bed.

Well, with no ideas so far, there's no harm in meeting them.

I got ready and went to the living room where Bercouli served them some tea.

"Hey." I waved and sat on the sofa opposite them.

"You look better than I imagined." Eugeo said.

"Did Sugu call you here to get me out of the house?" I turned to the girl in question as she sipped her cup of tea and looked away.

"Something like that. Everyone's planned to go on a trip. You should come with us!" Alice said.

"You could've just called me, you know?"

"Would you have gone otherwise?"

She got me there.

"Let's say I go, where exactly are we going?" I crossed my arms and leaned into the sofa.

The three of them shared a look as Eugeo answered with a strained smile, "We... We were wondering if you could let us use your family's cruise ship..."

My lips parted speechless by what he just said. I was unable to comprehend anything for a moment before I shook my head from side to side to return to my senses.

"Do you realize what you just asked me? Dad even banned Sugu from using it and he spoils her rotten nowadays!"

"No, he doesn't!" Sugu protested.

"That's Sugu and you're... You. Even he knows you're more responsible than her." Eugeo said.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head.

"I'd rather go on a shopping spree than ask him."

Those were far better than asking dad to borrow the cruise ship. 

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