Chapter 34: Back To School

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-4 Days Later-

Kirito POV:

Crowds of students gathered in the hallways of the school. Some of them hugged and asked how their holidays were. I was swarmed by a few of my "fangirls" the moment I stepped onto campus.

I was already used to it but it was still annoying. I opened my locker and took the textbooks of the subjects for the morning out when I got met by another group of girls.

It was the usual selfie, random conversation, and asking of questions when one of them asked.

"Hey Kazuto, do you have a girlfriend?"

"I actually—" I paused.

I was about to say yes but is that the right answer to her question? I'm happy and proud to be with Asuna but what would my "fangirls" do if they found out I had a girlfriend.

Unlike Eugeo, who confessed to Alice in front of our entire middle school, I confessed to Asuna when it was just us and our friends which put me at a disadvantage.

Not only that but I have to be cautious from now on since he's asking for me. I was about to answer the girl when one of her friends interrupted.

"What are you talking about?! Of course he doesn't!"

"Yeah, yeah! If he did, we'd all know about it!" Another girl said.

"Is that really true?" The girl who asked me the question said.

"Uhm..." I tried to think of an answer when someone patted my back.

"Don't think too hard on it!" A familiar voice said.

"Hey! Who do you think you are!?" One of the girls said.

I turned to see Sugu with a grin as she continued patting my back.

"Hey! Stop that!" The blonde among the group of girls tried to grab Sugu's wrist but I grabbed hers instead.

"Don't you dare touch her." I said, glaring at her.

I let her wrist go and the blonde said, "Ouch! Why are you defending her, Kazuto?"

"Yeah, yeah! Is she your girlfriend?" Another said.

They all looked at me with furrowed eyebrows as I just sighed, "Of course she isn't! She's my sister!"

Their eyes widened and they took a step back, "Y-Y-You're sister?!"

"Yeah, so is it wrong for me to defend her?"

"O-Of course not!" The blonde said.

"I thought so. Now if you don't mind I'd like to have a chat with her."

"Of course! We'll get going now!" One of the girls said.

"Yeah! We'll be in touch!" Another one said.

They waved goodbye as they walked away from us. Not sure how'd they manage to get in touch with me but whatever. I turned to Sugu as we walked down the hallway.

"You didn't have to do that, you know? I could've protected myself." She said.

"Well, I also needed to protect her otherwise you'd put her in the hospital."

"You keep bringing that up! It only happened once!"

"Thankfully. Anyways, speaking of not having to do that, you didn't have to interrupt us like that. I had the situation under control."

"Sure you did. You'd have come up with one of your famous excuses, wouldn't you? Or were you actually planning on telling them you're now dating Asuna?"

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