Chapter 3: Lunch

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Asuna POV:

The school bell rang signalling the end of class, "Our first lesson will begin tomorrow. So don't forget to bring your textbooks." Tilnel-sensei announced as everyone started leaving.

I gathered my things and placed them in my bag as I stood up. I looked over to Kazuto and saw that he was waiting for me at the steps. I walked over to him and asked, "Do you want to look around before or after we eat?"

He thought about it for a moment before finally answering, "I guess we could do it before, if you don't mind." He said. I nodded and replied, "I don't mind at all. Let me just call the others to tell them I'll be late for lunch." I said as took out my phone.

He nodded and said, "Great, I'll wait for you outside then." He left the Music room as I dialed Yuna's number. I waited for a few seconds before she finally picked up the phone, "Asuna? What is it? Do you need something?" She asked with a hint of excitement.

I responded by saying, "No, I'm just called to tell you I'll be late for lunch." I could feel her surprise through the phone as she asked, "Oh? Why?" I remembered my conversation with Yuuki and that Yuna doesn't know about it so I reluctantly answered, "I, uh, have to show Kazuto around the school..." I said.

I could tell that she had slight smile on her face as she said, "Oh? Then I guess I can't stop you. Don't worry I'll tell the others you'll be late. We'll meet at the usual place right?" I responded, "Yeah, the usual place. This won't take long so I'll see you later." I said.

"Yeah, later." She replied and I hung up the phone. I left the Music room and saw Kazuto conversing with some students. I walked over to them and interrupted, "Kazuto? We better get going." I said, he noticed me and apologized to the other students before leaving.

"Sorry, I got a bit preoccupied while waiting for you." He said, "No need to apologize, but..." I said as I looked over at the people he was talking to, "...who are they?" I asked. He turned his head back to them and said, "They were in our Math class, they were just asking me how I could answer those equations."

I was surprised by this and asked, "And what did you say to them?" He turned back to me and, with a smile on his face, he said, "I told them to study." I nodded and said, "I see, then let's get going, otherwise we won't be able to eat lunch." I said.

He nodded and asked, "Should we place our things in our lockers first?" I nodded in agreement and asked, "Yeah, do you know where your locker is?" He looked at his class schedule and said, "Yeah, it says that my locker number is 245. Do you know where that is?"

I was wondering how he knew and asked, "How did you know your locker number? Is it on our schedule?" I asked as I took out my own schedule, "Yeah, it's on the top-left hand corner. There should be digits on there. Didn't you know this during your first year here?" He responded.

I gazed at the top-left corner of the schedule and saw a number, 227. "No, I guess they changed it." I responded as I placed my schedule back into my bag. "My locker number is 227. Let's go." I said.

Kazuto nodded and we left to go to our lockers. We arrived a few minutes later and split up to go to our respective lockers. I unlocked my locker door and placed my things inside. I kept my class schedule, phone and lunch box and I closed the locker door.

As I closed it, Kazuto was behind it and I jumped in surprise, "Eep!" I squeaked out, he smiled at me and I felt my cheeks become hot as I became flustered.

He laughed at my reaction and said, "Sorry sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I calmed down as he continued, "Let's go, shall we?" He said and I nodded in response as we started walking around the school.

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