Chapter 69: One Down

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Third Person POV:

A few days later in the student council room, a meeting was called to discuss the changes that were likely to affect the school with a new majority shareholder. Or that was the official reason, at least.

Asuna, who sat at the head of the table, instructed Sinon and Silica to distribute the documents given to her by the school.

Upon reading the content of the documents, Satoru's demeanor noticeably changed. It seemed he wasn't told beforehand about the results of the board meeting.

Despite this, the first one to raise his concerns was Tanaka.

"Wait, does this mean you and Kazuto-senpai are the school's bosses now?!"

Yamamoto nodded in agreement, "That means you outrank Quinella-sensei, no, even the school director!"

This news shocked Ronye and Tiese, but they seemed to restrain themselves until they heard the full story.

The only ones who weren't surprised by it were, of course, the ones in on Kirito's plan.

"Unfortunately, I'm not, my brother is. And since Kirito hasn't graduated yet, he's leaving management to him and the school's personnel."

This wasn't only for Kirito's sake, but also for the school's. While his reputation was one of excellence, it would weigh on the minds of school staff if a student of theirs was actually their boss.

"I see. Then, you think your brother might make changes?" Minoru said.

"Yes. He's a visionary, so to speak. He'll make the best of any investment he makes so there will undoubtedly be some changes. I want all of you to prepare yourselves for them."

That was the main premise of the meeting. However...

"The first change that'll take place will be the removal of some board members. I think we should take this opportunity to do the same for the student council."

Everyone froze hearing her intentions. While they had doubts, it was then that everyone realized this was the true reason for the meeting.

The first to react to this was the justice-driven Ronye, who pushed back her seat and stared down at Asuna.

"What do you mean do the same? Don't tell me... You plan on removing someone here?"

"I do, specifically someone who doesn't belong here." Asuna cast a sidelong glance at Satoru, who remained silent.

Despite facing the removal of his position on the student council, and possible expulsion, Satoru remained calm and collected. As if everything was going according to how he foresaw it.

"Asuna, why would remove any of us? Haven't we all been doing the best we can?" Minoru said.

While his tone was soft, he was clearly shaken by this idea. Asuna didn't blame him. After all, the person they planned on removing was considered his best friend.

"I'm sorry, Minoru. But I have no choice. There's someone here who's been sabotaging us behind the scenes for quite a while now."

"Sabotaging... Us..." Minoru repeated, unable to make sense of the situation.

"In fact, the others and I investigated this matter just recently. During the school tour."

With that said, at long last Satoru spoke up, "The school tour? Then, does that mean its true purpose was the sniff out the traitor?"

Asuna took a moment to respond. Knowing his true nature and the position he was in, he wouldn't have spoken without a reason.

She chose her words carefully, "Yes, that's correct. Although, part of the reason was to give a tour of the school. I won't deny that this is another purpose of the event."

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