Chapter 71: The Promised Showdown

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Kirito POV:

My motorcycle screeched to a halt and I removed my helmet when I arrived back home. Eugeo and Alice were already waiting outside the gate to my house and rushed over when they noticed me.

"What's going on? You said it was an emergency." Alice said.

"Shiro kidnapped Asuna."

Eugeo was the first to react to this. 

He tensed up and said, "This is like last time, isn't it?"

I paused for a moment when the Yuuki family's car pulled up.

"What happened then, won't happen again." I said.

I'll do everything in my power to make it so.

Yuuki and Asuna's parents approached us. Yuuki must've informed as Mr. and Mrs. Yuuki had looks of shock plastered on their faces.

I expected them to take it hard, but this was beyond my expectations. Mrs. Yuuki was but a shell of her usual calm and composed self while Mr. Yuuki seemed to have accepted the situation as it was and chose to support her. 

If both of them broke down, they wouldn't be able to get through this ordeal and return to how they once were. I assumed this was what kept Mr. Yuuki from falling apart.

"We'll head in first." I said, "Eugeo, Alice, wait Eiji. We'll need his help so tell him the situation."

They nodded at my instructions as the gates to the Kirigaya mansion creaked open.

When we stepped into the lobby, we were greeted by Sugu, mom, and dad.

"Sugu said there was an emergency?" Dad glanced at Asuna's parents, "Does it have something to do with Asuna?"

"She's been kidnapped."

Mom and Sugu were taken aback by this news while dad simply nodded, understanding the situation in mere moments.

"Sugu said you contacted some friends. We'll wait for them to get here before proceeding." He said.

He didn't raise any concerns or complaints. Even though he must've guessed that a similar situation to Yui's three years ago was happening again, he took the news in stride.

Seeing how confident he was, Mrs. Yuuki couldn't help but ask, "D-Do you think you can save my daughter?"

Dad turned to me, "I wonder..."

At that moment, the mansion's doors were pushed open and the others finally arrived. I was surprised Yuna was here, but I guessed she must've been with Eiji when I messaged him.

They didn't say a word and sensed the lobby's tense atmosphere as they seemed to have grasped the situation.

"Everyone's here..." Dad raised his palm at me, "Then let's begin."

From here on, I needed to choose my words carefully.

"As you all know, Asuna's been kidnapped. Given the situation, the culprit is most likely Shiro."

Everyone except Asuna's parents tensed up.

"Who's Shiro?" Mr. Yuuki asked.

"Shiro... is an enemy of mine. He was recently released from juvenile prison under bail."

"An enemy of yours?"

"Are you saying this is happening because of you?!" Mrs. Yuuki cried, understandably outraged.

Mr. Yuuki grasped her in his arms to restrain her, "Calm down, Kyouko. We won't get anywhere if you're like this."

"Calm down?! How can I calm down in this situation?!"

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