Break Up

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"Well? Did you kiss her Ashton?" You shouted in rage. Twitter had gone insane this morning with rumours Ashton had kissed a girl last night at the album launch party and he'd stumbled in this morning, hungover and looking like hell and had gotten into bed without a single word. "Y/N can you give it a rest! My head is pounding and you won't shut up!" He whined, pulling the duvet covers up over his head. You scowled at Ashton and marched over to him before ripping the blanket off of him, he scrambled around trying to hold on but your hold was much stronger and you managed to pull it off him completely before throwing it on the floor. "Not hard, Ash. Tell me the bloody truth! My twitter has been blowing up with people telling me you hooked up with some girl." You said angrily as he pulled himself into a sitting position and put his head in his hands. "Yes... Its true." He whispered, not looking. There was a sharp pang in your chest as the betrayal sunk in and for a moment you just stood silently, too stunned to say or do anything. "You actually cheated on me? So telling me you love me was a lie?" You spat. "No! Y/N I love you! I love you so much... It was a mistake." He said sadly standing up to walk over to you. "No. You don't cheat on people you love. I can't even look at you right now." You snarled as a single tear ran down his face wordlessly. "I can't trust you after this Ash and I can't believe in you anymore. Pack your bags. I want you out of here by tonight. We're over."


"Really? Are you freaking serious Calum?" You asked, stunned by what he was saying to you. You and Calum hadn't been together long, you'd been friends for years but had only started seeing each other romantically for a few months. He'd just got home from visiting his parents to tell them about the two of you, but things hadn't gone to plan. Throughout the years you'd gotten into a spot of trouble or two, a DUI and a license ban had meant Calum's mum didn't like you and she had told Calum that you two couldn't be together. "You're going to breakup with me because you're mum told you?" You asked. "Y/N she's my mum! They won't support our relationship! She doesn't want anything to do with me if I'm with you, she thinks you'll use me and hurt my career..." He said in a quiet voice hastily avoiding eye contact. "And you're picking her over me?" You shrugged in anger. "She's my mum!" He moaned, yet again. "Fine. Fine. Have it your way Cal. Have a nice life because I'm out of here." You snarled and walked out of his apartment, slamming the door shut.


Things were getting difficult, Michael was due to leave to begin their very first headline tour which had caused a rift in your relationship. Constant arguing about how you would make it work, how trusting each other could be. Michael had phoned you and asked you to meet him in the park, saying he wanted to talk and you were headed there now. Nervously you walked as Michael came into view with a small smile plastered on his face. "Hey babe. I'm glad you came." He opened his arms and pulled you in for a hug. "Why did you want to meet here? What's going on?" Something was strange about the whole situation, Michael never suggested going out. "I've been doing some thinking about the tour situation." He nodded, chewing on his bottom lip as you both sat down on a bench. "And?" You asked nervously. "And I think we should break up. Y/N I love you but I can't do long distance it'll kill me, it'll kill me to let you go but I have to. Its the right thing to do." Michael swallowed. "So that's it? Our relationship gone just like that?" You whispered, tears brimming up. "I love you, so much. But we have to. I promise when its over I'll find you again and if you're not taken well, we'll see what happens. We need this. A clean break. I'm sorry Y/N, I won't stop loving you." Michael coughed out awkwardly, trying to cover his tears and got up, leaving you alone.


Your head was spinning, how? How could this be happening? You'd just spent the perfect weekend with Luke in his cabin and every second had been full of beauty, love and affection. Until a sharp rapping at the door at 3pm had turned everything upside down. Luke's ex girlfriend was stood there with a three year old boy holding her hand. Luke had a son. A son he hadn't told you about. After realising the commotion she must have caused his ex soon left and you and Luke sat in forceful silence as his son played. Eventually the boy, who you learnt was called Phoenix, fell asleep and Luke carried him to bed. As soon as Luke reappeared you let loose, "How the hell couldn't you tell me you had a child!" You half screamed in an attempt to remain quiet. "Y/N please, its a long story." Luke shook his head tiredly. "When I was with Kelly, my ex, she fell pregnant but we broke up and we have joint custody. Phoenix is staying with me this week." Luke sighed, throwing himself onto the sofa. "And you neglected to mention?". "Y/N I was going to tell you, when the time was right..." Luke shrugged. "Luke we've been dating for five months! I can't deal with this, a child, lying... Its over Luke, I'm gonna get my bags and go. Don't call me."

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