Asking You To Prom

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School was awful. No surprises there, your teachers had been nagging on and on about exams all day and to make matters worse prom was next week and the boy you wanted still hadn't invited you. Ashton Irwin, you'd been crushing on him for a while and he'd always been a good friend but recently there was a tension between you, like he always wanted to say something yet never did. You forcefully dragged yourself to your locker and shoved your books and folders inside, thanking the lord that your last lesson was over finally. You almost didn't notice the note that had been taped to the inside, but it caught your eye as you went to swing it shut again, carefully unfolding it you read it out to yourself: 'Y/N, meet me in the music room at the end of the day? xo Ash' you smiled like a madman to yourself and skipped off to the music room. Upon entering you let out a huge gasp, Ashton was sat in the centre of the room with an acoustic guitar and was surrounded by his friends who were also holding instruments, before you had a chance to start they began to play a rendition of True Colours making your eyes well up. As he sang the few final notes Ashton got up and crossed  the room to where you were stood. "Y/N, I've been wondering how to do this for a while now but I know you love this song and I know you like it when I sing. Will you do me the complete honour of going to prom with me?" He asked nervously and you let out a squeal of delight, wasting no time in hugging him and telling him yes.


"Fuck me its freezing!" You complained to your best friend. You were sat in the crowd watching your boyfriends football match, he was the teams best player and everybody knew it, half of the crowd were chanting his name but you were getting agitated and thinking about leaving soon because it was so cold. Calum kept turning round every few minutes to give you a little wave which made you giggle. As the half time whistle blew you got up, about to start making your way home when a loud booming of your name stopped you, Calum was talking over the loud speaker... "Y/N! Stay right there!" Calum yelled into the microphone. "I know how important it is to you so, be my date to prom?" He asked confidently and you screamed out "Yes, Calum Hood you cheeky shit! Of course I will!" His friends lifted him into the air as the crowd began to cheer for you both.


Typical night of video games with Michael was exactly what you needed right now. Nothing calmed you down more than just chilling out with your boyfriend and lounging around. You arrived at Michael's at just gone six and you'd gone down to his basement straight away, that was where his room was. "Heeeey Y/N?" Michael drawled out halfway through a race on GT, pausing the game. "Mike shit! Don't pause it I was on a roll!" You whined out throwing the controller at the floor. "I've got something to ask..." He trailed off looking nervously round the room for divine inspiration and you nodded, gesturing him to continue. "See the thing is... I mean you don't have to... Like you probably don't want to... Already have plans or whatever..." He mumbled, unable to get out a straight sentence. "Michael spit it out already!" You said in annoyance and he took a deep breath. "Will, please... Ugh okay I can do this... Y/N... Will you come to prom? With me?" He asked nervously awaiting your reaction. "What? Of course I will Michael you idiot why did you make that such a big deal?" You laughed at him. "I don't know, prom is pretty big..." He stumbled on his words. "I'd love to go to prom with you. Now unpause the game Clifford, I'm gonna kick your ass."


You'd gotten a text message from your boyfriend Luke telling you to meet him at his house and you were currently on your way. He'd told you not to bother knocking so you went ahead and walked right into his home expecting to be greeted by his mum or one of his brothers but what greeted you was surprising: Luke, surrounded by a dozen candles and with a bunch of tulips in his hands. He started to walk over to you and when he reached you he took your hands into his, but then in typical Luke fashion, he stumbled sending you falling backwards, directly into a candle... You both screamed as the hem of your dress caught fire and Luke dived into you, rolling you both on the floor until the flame was gone, leaving you with a large burn through your now destroyed dress. Luke didn't stop apologising for the entire night and you'd ended up forgetting why he'd asked you there in the first place. "Luke? Why did you actually invite me tonight?" You asked curiously trying to take his mind off of apologising. "Well, I'd planned on asking you to be my date to prom?" He frowned sadly and your face lit up. "Luke! I can't believe you were going to ask me! I'd still love to go, if you still want to that is..." You asked him and he smiled broadly. "Thank god! And I promise not to set you on fire at prom." He teased, making you giggle, well you certainly wouldn't forget tonight.

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