Kissing On New Years

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You were at a New Years party with your boyfriend Ashton, you were slightly starstruck since it was a party being hosted by Joel Madden from Good Charlotte so you were fangirling quite a bit. You'd gotten into a deep conversation with Luke about AC/DC's greatest hits, "No way Y/N the guitar in Back In Black is way better than Thunderstruck!" He argued defensively to which you rolled your eyes, "Luke mate, you're wrong, the solo in Thunderstruck knows it outta the park! Its a classic!" You tell him refusing to listen to his muttering about how he was right. You turned to the TV and the one minute countdown to midnight had begun, you nervously looked around for Ashton so he could give your kiss. The final thirty seconds had begun and all the party guests had started counting down, Michael was screaming the countdown stood up on a pedestal trying to hype people. "Y/N!" You heard your boyfriend squeal as the final ten seconds began to countdown. He crashed into you tilting you back and holding you securely in his arms and smashing his lips to yours, you heard cheers erupt from around you as midnight hit and Ashton pulled away from you, beaming. "Happy new years love."


You'd decided on spending New Years on the beach with a few of your friends, some drinks and then watching the fireworks. You'd set up a little bonfire amongst the sand and you were throwing things into it, bad memories from the year so you could rid yourself of negativity. You'd decided on throwing in a photo of you and your ex boyfriend, who'd cheated on you. Calum stood by your side with his arm around your shoulder as you tossed it in. He smiled and kissed your cheek when you did so and you huddled into him. Your friends began to cheer as midnight struck and Calum took your hands in his face "Well Y/N, here's to teenage memories." He quoted his song making you laugh before delicately pressing his lips to yours.


It was 11:45pm on New Years and Michael still wasn't home, they'd been in the studio all day working on a new EP and he must've gotten stuck in heavy traffic because he still wasn't back and you were starting to worry. In your sadness you got up and walked to your kitchen taking a carton of ice cream from the freezer and spooning some into a bowl, fuck it you thought to yourself and grabbed a bottle of liquor from the cabinet and pouring that in with it. Ice cream and alcohol were the best medicines. You sat back on your sofa and wrapped your blanket round your shoulders, taking a spoon of ice cream and shoving it into your mouth. The final five minutes had begun and you watched the TV sadly, wishing that Michael were there. There was a sudden click of a lock and your front door burst open letting in a spike of cold air, Michael was red in the face and out of breath. "I got out the car... And I ran... Home!" He spat out breathlessly. You got up and ran to him jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist. "But you hate running?" You queried running your fingers through the tufts of faded green hair. "I would run a mile for you." He grinned. 'Just a mile?" You teased mock punching his arm. "Yeah. I'd get tired after." He giggled making you laugh with him. As the clock struck midnight he put his lips to yours kissing you deeply not hesitating with his tongue, then he broke away and looked you in the eyes, "Happy new years gorgeous, let's celebrate the new years in bed, shall we?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and carried you to your bedroom.


So far your night was a total disaster, Luke had planned a cute night in with dinner and drinks but nothing had gone to plan. He'd somehow managed to set fire to the oven causing you both to scream, Luke had ran to the other room and left you to tend to it, you'd thrown a cloth and it had extinguished quickly. When he'd opened a bottle of champagne he hadn't realised how shook up it was and the cork had flown off hitting you in the forehead causing Luke to apologise over and over. You'd given up trying to do anything and were now eating bags of crisps at the kitchen island with a can of beer. He wasn't into the conversation much, he was disappointed that the perfect night he'd planned out had somehow gone to hell. You walked round to where he was sat and propped yourself up on the counter in front of him so he was stood between your knees, you took his face in your hands and kissed him. "Baby... Don't worry that it didn't go how you planned. I'm still here with you and that's all I need." You reassure him and he smiles warmly kissing you again, running his nose along your jawline, his stubble scratching your face slightly. He held his can of beer to yours and toasted you, "I'm so glad to be celebrating in the new year with you Y/N. Happy 2015, doll! He cheered and downed the rest of the can of beer squriming slightly and making you laugh.

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