L.H - Car Accident

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"No Y/N! You can't just accuse me of cheating every time you see me with a girl!" Luke yelled. You were in an argument, yet again, about his charm with girls. He was Luke Hemmings, lead singer in 5SOS so to a degree you accepted the unwanted female attention, you didn't complain when stunning fans took photos or when gorgeous women flirted with him, but when there were pictures of him at a party with a half clothed girl on his arm, it raised a red flag for you.

"Luke for Christ's sake you don't listen! What the hell were you doing with her? I saw a picture of you dancing, well grinding actually." You demanded and he sheepishly looked down at his feet unable to deny the truth.

"Y/N, babe... It was just dancing. We were both drunk, everybody grinds when they're drunk." He tried to defend himself only making you angrier.

"Are you sure Luke? Does Ashton grind on other girls? No, he doesn't, because Ashton loves his girlfriend. What is it, Luke? Do you not love me?" You asked, hurt.

"Of course I love you!" Luke shouted in frustration. "Y/N... Maybe we should just take a break. From each other." He says finally, sadness glazing across his blue eyes.

"What?" You whispered barely audible.

"Babe all we do is argue! Whether its about money or girls or stupid things like the tour bus, we never stop. It drives me insane." He said, running his hand through his hair and you looked down at your feet, anger rising within you.

"Luke you don't even want to try and work on our relationship." You half screamed. "All you fucking do is go out and party in your free time!"

"What I'm not allowed to party? You know what Y/N? I changed my mind. Maybe we should break up." He told you and you felt your heart shatter but you weren't going to let him know that.

'Fine. I guess I see how it is... I'm leaving." You say quietly, losing all willpower to fight and he realises his mistakes and he tears his head away so he doesn't have to look at you.

You leave yours and Luke's shared kitchen and rush up to your bedroom, putting on a pair of shoes and a coat and throwing some crap into your bag, just things you'd need overnight because you were going to stay at your friend's house tonight. A few minutes later when you'd gone back downstairs Luke was standing desolately in the doorframe, a look of regret etched in his soft features. You take one last look at him before walking out of the door.

Just seconds after you've left your place you start to walk fast, across to the bus stop. "Y/N! I'm sorry baby... Come back!" Luke calls to you and you turn to face him but he shouts something that you can't make it, he looks scared. You turn your head and there's a car barrelling down the road, way over the speed limit and the last thing you see is Luke running towards you, as the car collides with your legs.

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