Your Quality That Annoys Him

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Ashton: Ashton gets annoyed at how controlling you are, how you always have to know what he's doing and who he's going to be with. You explained to him that its because of your own personal insecurities and your irrational fear that one day he would leave you and he sympathised but it got so frustrating to him, sometimes he felt there wasn't equality in the relationship and it really tested him at times.

Calum: Calum gets annoyed with how insecure you are, at how you can never see how beautiful you are to him. When you go out together he wants you to wear a gorgeous dress that shows off your beauty but its just not your thing, you're much more comfortable in your jeans. He wants the entire world to see you, but you feel uncomfortable all the time, like you can never be good enough for him despite his pleading that you're the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

Michael: Michael hated your jealousy, when you saw pictures of him hanging with beautiful girls along the lines of Chrissy and Halsey you couldn't help that green eyed monster inside of you. At parties or social events you'd cling to him like a child to its parent and although he loved you with every bone in his body he needed his freedom, he needed to do things without you hanging onto his arm all the time. He would constantly tell you not to be jealous because the only girl in his life was you and when you argued he would end up storming out in frustration.

Luke: Luke got so annoyed at the way you treated him, how worried you always acted over him, whenever he did something you would run to Liz resulting in Luke being shouted at, whenever he drank too much or did something out of character the first person you would go to was Liz and Luke would get so frustrated at the fact you told her everything, he felt like she was in your relationship more than he was at times.

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