L.H - Overheard

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Note to self: don't let Michael in charge of movie night.

You were now four hours into your weekly movie night with the guys and usually you would all mutually decide on the movies you were watching but after Michael's many complaints about how it was an unfair system, you'd all agreed you would take it in turns to pick what you'd watch and tonight the choosing had fallen to Michael who had quite happily decided to watch some anime films.

The guys were enraptured but after the first hour you'd realised anime sucked and made absolutely no sense but just a week ago you'd made them sit through Hostel, Saw and every gory film you could get your hands on which gave you an obligation to sit and patiently watch, you and Luke had only been together for five months and this anime thing was all relatively new to you.

You were curled up next to Luke who's eyes were fixed on the screen, his arms wrapped around your body in a protective stance and the warmth of his body combined with your boredom were making you very tired. Eventually you gave up cuddling Luke to lay on the floor with a blanket where you comfortably started to doze off.

You were just starting to fall asleep when Calum's voice broke your peacefulness. "Wow that was a good film!"

"We can watch another!" Michael said excitedly but Luke shushed him. "Oh sorry, I forgot Y/N was asleep."

"How are things going with you guys?" Ashton chimed in.

"Actually, really well." You heard Luke say. "We haven't said it yet but honestly, I think I'm falling in love with her.." His words were met with a resounding chorus of 'aw's' from the guys.

"You guys are cute together." Calum whispered. You dare not move from your position on the floor or you would give away that you were awake and that you could hear what they were saying about you.

"Its so unreal ya know." Luke began. "When I wake up in the mornings she's the first person I want to see, when I go to bed she's the one I want to be with me. When she's around everything just seems... Better. Like no matter what goes wrong I have Y/N and I can hold her in my arms and know that everything will be okay no matter how crappy it seems. I really see a future for us, in a way that I never have with anyone else. I want to be sat with her on a porch when we're old and grey, surrounded by our grandkids... It seems sudden because we've not been together very long but I've never felt this way before, I didn't know it was possible to love someone as much as I love her. She's my sun and stars." Your eyes had welled up at how beautiful his words were and your heart felt like it had doubled in size. You'd had no idea how passionately he felt and hearing it was the most breathtaking thing because you felt the exact same.

The guys continued to chat with each other aimlessly about song writing and recording for a little while longer before eventually all deciding to go to bed. You kept your eyes tightly shut throughout everything and kept still so they wouldn't know you were awake. You felt Luke's arms wrap around your body as he picked you up and carried you to bed, tucking you in with a kiss to the forehead and whispering to himself "I hope you never leave me."

You smiled to yourself as you fell into a blissful sleep.


Pretty short but I think its cute.

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