C.H - English Love Affair

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As each gloomy day passed the inevitable date grew closer and closer, the day Calum was going home. He'd been living in London for a few months to work on the band's first ever album and those few months had been amazing.

You'd met at a writing session, you were working as an assistant in the studio to get some work experience and you'd bumped into the band, Calum was engrossed at the fact you'd never heard of his band and he loved that you were interested in Calum Hood the person and not Calum Hood the bassist in 5SOS. After frequent flirting and some suggestive banter he'd gathered the courage to ask you out and from there it had blossomed, you'd been seeing him all the time and every minute was amazing. You actually had a small fear that part of you was falling for him but with every inch of power you were ignoring that feeling, it would never work out. The band were actually amazing and already had a dedicated fan base and had been invited to join One Direction on their world tour, it was really only the beginning for 5SOS, so your chances with Calum were pretty much impossible.

Eventually the day arrived, the dreaded day. You'd spent the night at the boy's place in London and you were sat on the sofa with Calum, luggage and large bags scattered around the floor as his band members hurried to gather their things, Calum had finished packing early so he had time to sit with you.

"So..." He began awkwardly.

"Yeah." You said, voice dead and lacking emotion.

"Y/N... Don't be like this."

"Be like what Calum? Do you expect me to be skipping and singing lullabies at the fact you're leaving and I might never see you again?" His face dropped and he looked sadly down at his hands.

"That's not true. The tour we're going on will be in London in a few months." He attempted to improvise.

"Yeah, that's still about six months away and even then you'll be here a few days and you won't have any spare time." You muttered in anger, it was easier to be angry at the situation than to be sad.

"Y/N please I lov-" He began but you cut him off, "Don't you dare say it Calum, if you say it then its going to be much harder for me to watch you walk out of that door. Please... Just don't." You bit your lip to try and stop tears.

"Okay. I won't. But there is something I do need to tell you... I hope you don't mind, I kinda- I sorta, well, I er, I wrote a song about you..." He mumbled his tanned cheeks going a light shade of red as he blushed.

That shocked you, "You wrote a song about me?" You asked your voice hushed.

"Yeah, its called English Love Affair." He smiled as he realised you weren't angry and took out his phone to play an unpolished version of the song. It was upbeat and instantly you loved it, unable to keep a wide smile off your face as the song played.

"Calum its amazing, I love it!" You exclaimed and kissed him just as Ashton walked into the room announcing they were ready to leave. Both yours and Calum's faces dropped as you realised this was it.

"Y/N. I know you said not to but I have to, I'm sorry but Y/N I love you, I'm in love with you and I wish I didn't have to leave right now, obviously we can't be together but if you want to, I want to see you next time I'm here, who knows maybe we'll be able to make something of it. I know that isn't fair and if you find someone else then okay I will back off but if not, come find me." He smiled sadly, trying to resist crying himself as you allowed the tears to flow freely down your face, unable to let out any words, only able to nod meekly. You weren't going to the airport with him, it would be too emotional and you'd risk fans seeing you with him, so this was it.

Calum stood up, taking his luggage and walking slowly to the door but before he opened it he reached to you, pulling you in for a deep, passionate kiss. A kiss with more desire and tenderness than any other kiss you'd shared and then sadly, he pulled away. "Y/N... I'll find you again, I promise." He said his voice thick.

"I know you will, I love you Calum. Don't forget about me." He shut his eyes as a single tear escaped and he stepped out of the door.

"I could never forget about you Y/N." He choked out and walked away without looking back as you shut the door.

He was gone.

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