A.I - Unexpected Breakup

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Tonight was the night, you were absolutely sure of it, he was going to propose.

Ashton had spent the weekend with his family at home and had visited his grandparents so you were positive that he had gone to get his parents blessing and his grandmothers engagement ring, which he'd recently spoken about saying it had been given to women in his family for generations and how it originated from the 1910's. You'd spent the entire day prepping and pampering yourself, doing your hair, shaving your legs til they felt as soft as a baby and picking out a beautiful purple dress that you were wearing out to dinner tonight.

Now here you were, sat in the restaurant, eating a lavish dinner that was being paid for by Ashton and you were so excited you were almost squealing everytime he opened his mouth.

"Y/N, there's a reason why I brought you here tonight." He began, wiping his mouth with his napkin and placing his knife and fork upon his plate. "I've been doing a lot of thinking recently, about us, about the future..."

"Me too, Ash." You beamed at him as he smiled lightly back at you.

"I really think its time that we..."

"I do!" You choked out, unable to contain your excitement any longer but your face dropped as you his did.

"...break up."

"What?" Your voice was high and confused.

"I need to serious about my future, look for someone to settle down with and think about a family, that's not us."

"I thought you were going to propose..." You looked down at your plate, unable to look at him in the face as you whispered out the words.

"Propose? No! Babe, I love you but you're just not marriage material." Simply, he spoke.

"I- I can't believe this. I am marriage material you asswipe!"

"This is what I mean. You're just not mature and I'm looking for something with a little more emotional depth." He shrugged nonchalantly, standing up and scraping his chair across the floor. "Look, I hate to do this but its gotta be done, you're just too shallow. Dinners on me. Sorry." He gave you one final apologetic shrug before walking away, leaving you alone and utterly humiliated.


This is v v short sorry but yayaayaya I just hit 100k thank you all so much

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