His Reaction To A Scary Movie.

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"Y/N! Give me back the pillow!" Ashton squeals using his long fingers to cover his face. You'd just brought The Conjuring for you and your boyfriend to watch but he was having a hard time watching it. "Ash stop being a baby! There's nothing in that wardrobe!" You laugh at him holding the pillow out of his reach which was incredibly difficult considering his height. He peeks through his fingers cautiously and you're proven wrong when something jumps out causing you both to yell out. "I told you, Y/N! You're such a dick now can I please have the pillow back?" He pouts and with a giggle you throw the pillow at him which he then hides behind for the duration of the movie.


You're sat with your boyfriend Calum and his arms are tensely wrapped around your shoulders, your legs curled up onto the sofa. You were watching the film Insidious and it was starting to get scary. There's a scene that makes you both jump and you cower into Calum's firm chest, once the jumpy bit is safely over you peek a glance at Calum who's eyes are pressed shut. "Calum Thomas Hood! Are you afraid of a little demon?" You tease. "What? No! I was shutting my eyes to appreciate the beauty of sound." He smiles impressed at his own quick wit. "You liar! Don't worry I won't tell anyone that you're a little wimp." You laugh making yourself comfortable in Calum's grip again.


"Ew that's disgusting." Michael cringes as you watch Hostel together, you laugh at him poking him lightly, teasing. You can see his expression changing and his complexion pales slightly. "Michael are you okay?" You ask frowning at him. He looks at you wide eyed, "Y/N I think I'm gonna throw up." He groans focusing his eyes anywhere but the screen. "Michael its a film. She hasn't really had her eye pulled out you know." You poke fun at him but without another word he gets up and runs in the direction of the toilet and you hear the unpleasant sound of Michael committing. You can't help but laugh at him before deciding to be the dutiful girlfriend and get him some water.


It was Halloween and you were comfortable on the sofa with Luke, your head laying in his lap and his long fingers delicately playing with your hair. You were watching a film called Dead Silence, some crappy movie that was on TV and it was scaring you, Luke however wasn't fussed. "Holy shit!" You shout as something pops up on the screen, you hear Luke laugh lightly and you sit up, pressing your face into his neck. "Aw babe, its not that bad." He reasons stroking your back. "I don't like it Luke can we please turn it off?" You whimper into his warm neck. "Y/N cmon seriously its not that bad and its only been on for twenty minutes. If you get scared I'll cuddle you and keep you safe, I promise." Luke smiles and you hesistantly turn your face and continue to watch the movie as Luke wraps his hands around your waist, keeping you close in case you get scared.

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