A.I - Intimate Train Journey

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Long train rides home were always the worst, especially after a long day at the studio with Ashton, you'd met your boyfriend a year ago when he signed to the music label you worked for, you were just an assistant but you adored your job although that could be really tested as times, working with Ashton and his band was great but sometimes they could be incredibly immature and it was hard to get anything done, there was usually nudity of some form and fighting of some kind and today you wanted nothing more than to get your train home and go to sleep.

Today had been another long day of trying to get Michael to record a song, The Only Reason, but he had acted like an idiot all day and ended up recording the song completely naked, with only a hand to cover his modesty. You loved the band, there wasn't a doubt about it, but sometimes the temptation to punch them in the balls sometimes was real.

You'd leaned into Ashton's neck and his arm was around you gently, keeping you close to him, you watched his chest rise and fall and something just arose within you and all your tired energy was replaced with a new emotion: desire. You started to nip slightly at the skin on his collar bone, placing delicate kisses on the exposed skin. He pulled away from you and looked confused into your eyes "Y/N what are you doing?". "Cmon Ash, live a little." You whisper seductively into his ear and he can't help but give a little smirk.

You put your hands under the table in front of you and place your hand on his thigh making him gasp, he gets the idea then and leans in to connect his lips to yours, his tongue hungry and desperate against your bottom lip. You move your hand higher up his thigh and feel him quiver beneath your touch and as you rise your hand further you feel the unmistakable bulge in his jeans which makes you grin into the kiss.

Suddenly Ashton stands up and pulls you with him, without saying a single word he drags you down the train and into the slightly more luxurious first class toilet, ignoring the stares of nosy passengers. He shoves you into the small compartment and immediately lifts you up so you're on top of the sink and are able to wrap your around him. "I want you Y/N, here and now." He whispers ravishingly and pulls his shirt up over his head before smashing his lips onto yours, silencing you both.

Your hands ran up and down the length of his back, your nails leaving their mark on his tanned skin and he groaned into your neck and you couldn't tell if it was from pain or pleasure. He didn't waste anytime getting down to business and immediately pulled his jeans down and boxers, his hard on springing up. He tugs off your jeans and leaves you in your shirt and socks, leaving wet kisses over any skin that was exposed and you couldn't take it any longer, leading him to the train toilets to relieve your problems...

Afterwards he cuddled you in close to him again, this time much more relaxed, he leant his head down to your ear, "We are definitely doing that again." He whispered in awe.

I actually published this a long time ago but I got flagged for being too inappropriate so I've changed it so its not smutty and republishing.

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