M.C - Frisky At A Festival

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You had been counting down every single minute to Reading Festival ever since Michael had told you that he'd brought you tickets. How many people can say their boyfriend has surprised them with festival tickets? You knew you were incredibly lucky and blessed.

The day had arrived and the excitement throughout the day had gone through various stages. When you were getting ready to go you were so damn excited that you blasted This Is Gospel in the shower, singing at the absolute top of your lungs and not caring that compared to Brendon Urie's beautiful singing you sounded like Abigail Breslin put in a blender.

On the car ride there your excitement had turned to the annoying kind, the one where you rambled on and on to Luke and Calum until Calum put his headphones over his head and Luke pretended he was napping to ignore you. Michael was driving so his main focus was the road, you knew not to annoy him. Crashing the car would be a real bummer. You were slightly peeved at Ashton for not coming with you guys but he'd wanted to spend some quality time with his girlfriend.

And now here you were, setting up your tent. Well, standing, watching and laughing as you watched Michael and Luke argue about how to set up the tent and poking fun at every possible opportunity. "Its nearly there!" Michael yelled out as he stabbed the tent pole into the ground.

"I can't do it!" Luke yelled back in annoyance. "I'm on my toes here Mike I'm gonna fall over!"

"Luke if you fall I will kick you so hard in the balls you'll be able to reach a whole new vocal range." Michael threatened and as if on queue, Luke's foot slipped in the mud causing him to land in a heap of long limbs on top of the tent. Michael didn't even say anything, merely looking at the sky in frustration and mumbling quietly to himself "Do not kill Luke. Do not kill Luke. We need him in the band. Resist the urge." Meanwhile you were getting a good laugh out of watching the two of them, they were like the hot, Australian version of the Chuckle Brothers.

Calum had disappeared a little while ago so you figured now was the best time to go and find where he went while the other two stumbled about trying to put up your tent. Over the period of time you'd known the band you'd actually grown pretty damn fond of them and you weren't in the mood to watch Michael strangle Luke in the mud. You trudged through the slosh in your knee high wellie boots looking around for Calum but to no avail so you decided to take a look at the merch that was being sold and hopefully when you got back the tent would be up and Luke wouldn't have been murdered by Michael.
Six hours later, the tent had been put up, Michael hadn't choked the life out of Luke and Calum had reappeared, turned out he'd found a girl and gotten chatting and being the absolute lady killer/giant fuckboy he is, he'd quite literally charmed the pants off of her. So now you were in the crowd and rocking the hell out to Bring Me The Horizon, you could feel mud splashing up your legs and your head was aching a little from the sheer velocity but a little pain is worth it when Bring Me The Horizon are in front of you.

After their set was over, the speakers began to blast the Weeknd as you waited for the next act to come on stage and the stage lights turned on as the sky darkened. Michael was directly behind you, grinding his crotch into your ass as he sang into your ear "Y/N I can't feel my face when I'm with you!"

"But I love it!" You turned so you were face to face now, dancing together as his hands roamed your body and his lips crashed into yours.

"Bad timing. I'm so turned on right now." He moaned quietly so Luke, who was stood awkwardly next to you, wouldn't hear.

"Ugh me too babe." You whined at him and he ran his hand up your thigh ever so slowly.

"I need you now." slurred Michael. How could you resist him?

"Well..." You pulled him in close so your mouth was against his ear, his white hair tickling the side of your face. "We do have an empty tent..."

"Let's go!" Michael turned to Luke and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Luke! Y/N needs to pee, I'm gonna take her to the toilet quick." Luke smiled understandingly and nodded at you. Michael grabbed ahold of your hand and pulled you quickly through the crowds of people, not caring as he shoved into the many, many drunk people who were shouting at Michael for bumping into them.

You undid the tent zip as fast as possible before throwing yourself inside, Michael climbing atop of you and not hesitating to get straight to it, one hand locking into your hair whilst the other fumbled with the hem of your shorts. It was getting hot and heavy fast as Michael traced his lips down your body, you closed your eyes in bliss as he got achingly lower and lower. It was so great that of course, neither of you heard someone unzipping the tent... You heard a strangely feminine scream and felt the warmth of Michael's body move away, you sat up quickly, covering your exposed skin to see a rather embarrassed looking Luke stood at the entrance of the tent. "Luke what are you doing?!" You squealed as you fumbled to cover yourself up.

"I just came to get a drink!" Luke choked out, trying to avoid looking anywhere but at you and Michael as his cheeks turned a bright scarlett colour. "You said you were going to the toilet!"

"Clearly we aren't." Michael said through gritted teeth as he scowled at the incredibly awkward looking Luke.

"You want me to go?" Luke questioned, pulling a confused facial expression as his eyes flickered between the two of you.
"No. We want you to stay and watch, maybe join in!" You said sarcastically.


"No!" You howled at Luke who clearly hadn't detected the sarcasm in your voice.

"Dude you're not having a threesome with me and my girlfriend!" shouted Michael. Luke held his hands up defensively before making the wise decision to back out of the tent leaving you and Michael alone. "Trust Luke to kill the mood."

"Good old Luke." You grimaced. "Cmon let's just get back out there, next act will be on soon." You pulled yourself together and stood up.

"Okay. But later, when Luke is asleep, I'm gonna teabag him." Michael smirked sadistically.

"Good idea." You giggled before strolling hand and hand out of the tent with Michael.

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