He Lies To You

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You jumped into your car in a huff, annoyed at your own forgetfulness. You'd been at the bands London house last night and had left your necklace in the bathroom after taking a shower. You were annoyed at yourself because you usually never forgot it, it was the one thing your grandmother had entrusted to you when she passed away, and you couldn't live with yourself if you weren't wearing it.

Luckily, Ashton had given you a key so you could get in whenever and tonight his mum was in town so he was taking her out for a meal and to see something in theatre so you'd be able to quickly run in and get your necklace without any hassle and be able to get home before 10pm so you could start the Desperate Housewives marathon that was going to be on TV.

Getting there didn't take long, London traffic on a Thursday night was pretty simple and within 20 minutes you were there and out of the car, heading up the front steps with the key already in your hand. You got in quickly, brushing your shoes on the welcome mat.

"Mike? Cal? Is that you?" You heard a familiar voice call out. "I thought you guys were out all... Oh.." The familiar voice visualized in the form of Ashton, in a pair of loose pyjama bottoms and a pair of headphones around his neck.

"What're you doing here? I thought you were taking your mum out? Is she here?" You asked confused, peering around him for some sign of his mother.

"What are you doing here?"

"I asked you first. But I left my necklace here last night and I hate not wearing it so I came to get it, now answer the question." Ashton stood there uncomfortably, a small burning red arising in his cheeks.

"I just came home early.." He shuffled nervously and scratched the back of his head, which was a twitch he only did when he was lying.

"So where's your mum? She only flew in today I thought she was staying with you?" You knew he was lying to you.

"She's not here..." He confessed, looking down at his bare feet in shame and chewing on the inside of his cheek.

"So why'd you say that she was?" Anger was starting to bubble up in your chest.

"Y/N I just... We've spent so much time together I just wanted a night to myself for once." Your mouth opened in shock, he wanted to get away from you?

"So you lied to me? How about this thing called honesty Ash? You wanted time by yourself?"

"I didn't want to lie. I thought you'd be mad.." He spoke quietly and he was doing everything he could to avoid eye contact.

"Oh wow gold star Ashton! I'm not mad that you want a break, you think I want to hang around with you and your smelly band mates 24/7 with Calum always naked, Luke always eating my food and Michael always using my hair products? No. I'm mad you lied!" You raged at him, growing even more annoyed that he wouldn't man up and look at you.

"I'm sorry." He shrugged half heartedly.

"You're sorry? That's it. Sorry? Really? I'm going to get my necklace and go home. Do not call me or come over, I need some time to cool down, we're always saying how we're always honest with each other about everything I can't believe you lied to me..." You were hurt by his lying and stung by the fact that he wasn't showing much remorse about lying, only guilt that he was caught.


"You have got to be kidding me!" You growled as you scrolled through the pictures on twitter of Calum with his ex girlfriend, his hands snaked around her hips with a big drunken grin on his face. "Calum Thomas Hood!" You yelled in rage, he came dashing to the room, toothbrush in his band and looking incredibly concerned. "Anything to confess?"

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