He Accidentally Hurts You

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"Ash can you just get out!" You shouted in frustration.

Here it was again the same pointless argument you always had, being with someone like Ashton was phenomenal but sometimes it got too hard, the constant rumours, him never being around and the girls that would quite physically throw themselves at him.

"You never listen! Nothing happened!" He shouted back, spit flying from his mouth in anger.

"Never listen? Are you kidding me? I'm always there for you Ashton! Whenever you need me I come running like your little lapdog, night or day no matter what, but when I need you well, you're nowhere to be found."

"Its always the same shit Y/N!" He shouted, punching the wall in frustration, not even flinching.

"Fine. If you won't go, I will." You said determinedly and turned quickly on your heel, marching to the door and yanking it open.

"Fine, do what you do best. Storm out." He snarled sarcastically, slamming the door behind you as you stepped through it but he slammed it too fast, before you'd removed your hand from the doorway and it slammed directly onto your fingers. You screamed out in pain as the door crunched against your hand and you pulled quickly, tears rushing to the surface. Ashton pulled the door back open again, his face full of remorse and shock.

"Y/N! Baby! I'm so sorry. Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He cried out as he rushed to your side, taking your swollen fingers and examining them gingerly. You frowned at him taking your hand out of his and immediately felt guilty as his eyes filled with hurt. "I'm sorry." He whispered sadly and despite everything that had just happened all your anger melted away.

"Its fine Ash." You sighed and used your good hand to rub his shoulder empathetically. He took your injured hand again and placed a delicate kiss to your knuckles. "I hate it when we argue." You sighed.

"Me too love. C'mon. Let's go get you some ice."


"Hold on Y/N!" Calum strained as he balanced your feet on his shoulders. In an attempt to break your spell of boredness whilst you and Calum were home alone in his childhood home, he'd suggested climbing up into the attic, insisting that it would be full of 'untold treasures' and his persistency had won through, as here you now were, stood atop Calum's shoulders and scrambling to unhook the lock that opened the hatch to the attic.

"Cal I'm gonna fall!" You squeaked nervously, wobbling slightly.

"I've got you. I'd never let you fall." He promised, although the slight tinge of uncertainty in his voice made you more nervous.

"Calum I can't undo the lock!"

"Pull it, it just takes a little bit of haggling!" He called back and you took a large breath and increased your force on the lock. It happened so quickly, your legs quivered ever so slightly, just enough to make Calum shift his weight and then you lost your balance. Calum tried his best to reposition you but it was too late. You tumbled to the ground, crushing Calum as you fell and landing in a messy heap on the floor.
"Y/N! Holy shit! Are you alright!" Calum exclaimed quickly, heaving himself up off the floor and pulling you into a sitting position.

"My head hurts." You whined as Calum pulled you into his lap.

"I'm not surprised, you hit it pretty hard. I'm sorry." He pouted.

"Its fine Cal, it was an accident. I'm fine." You smiled at him reassuringly, not wanting to worry him.

"Okay. I think we should agree that going in the attic wasn't the best idea. Lucky you I can think of a thing we can do that just involves being in bed." He winked cheekily before carrying you to his bedroom.


"No! Stop Y/N! That's not fair!" Michael half screamed as he practically jumped in his seat.

"It is fair Michael! I'm winning! Suck it Clifford!" You shrieked back, turning the WII steering wheel as you rounded a corner. "Yoshi always wins bitches." You smirked at him. Michael was growing more and more impatient. Usually Mario Kart was his thing but today he was off point and was coming in 7th place whereas you were coming in first.

"Y/N! Stop throwing bananas!" He screamed at you in annoyance but all you could do was laugh. You jumped up out of your seat as the finish line was now in sight and you jumped triumphantly back onto the sofa as you came in 1st place.

"Fuck!" Michael shouted, he pulled the strap from his wrist and angrily threw the steering wheel conveniently as you stood up. You cried as it smacked you straight in the face, colliding with your nose and making a sickening crunch before your nostrils were overwhelmed with the smell of blood. Michael was stood upright, his hands over his mouth and he was staring wide eyed at you. "Y/N! Holy crap..." He gushed as he flew to your side, rushing to stop the blood that was now pouring from your nose. "Babe I'm sorry. Oh crap." He moaned as his hands now became covered in your blood.

"It was an accident don't worry." You choked with a thick voice as you pinched your nose.

"Don't worry? Are you joking? You look like something from Kill Bill!" Michael whined out in a high pitch.

"Its fine just shut up and get me to a hospital." You reasoned as the blood began to drip onto the floor and coffee table. He wrapped a jacket around you and ushered you out of the house and into his car.

"This is why it's easier playing Mario Kart with Luke. Its funny when he cries, now I just feel bad." He moped as he began to drive.

"Just shut up and drive, Clifford."


You sighed loudly to yourself as you walked into yours and Luke's apartment, wondering quickly where Luke was. "Luke?" You called out to the silence as you threw your keys on the table. No response. You strained to listen for any sound and you were given peace of mind when you realized you could hear the shower running.

You thought to yourself that it would be incredibly funny to make Luke jump so you quietly pulled off your shoes and snuck up the stairs, making your way to the bathroom. Through the fogged glass of the shower you could see Luke was stood with his back facing to you, humming loudly, completely in his own world. You smiled cunningly to yourself and snuck forwards before quickly yanking open the glass door and screaming.

"ARGH! HELP!" Luke screamed out loud and without thinking squirted the bottle of shampoo he was holding in your face and you let out a scratch of pain as shampoo squirted in your eyes. You fell to the ground quickly, rubbing your eyes with your shirt to get rid of the burning pain. Luke quickly hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel round his was it before crouching down next to you.
"Y/N! Oh my- I'm sorry! You scared me! Quickly wipe your eyes with this!" He handed you a damp cloth which you used to immediately wipe your eyes, sighing in relief as the pain easened slightly.

"Why did you squirt shampoo in my eyes?" You asked through gritted teeth.

"You scared the crap out of me! I thought you were breaking in and trying to kill me!" He explained.

"No! Who would want to attack someone in the shower?" You frowned at him and he just raised his eyebrows at you.

"Do you want me to take you to the ER?" He offered sweetly.

"No. Its starting to burn less. I'll be fine. I shouldn't have tried to scare you." You nodded slowly.

"Okay let's make a deal not to talk about it." Luke smiled and you nodded gratefully as he kissed your neck in an attempt to apologise and your annoyance faded away. Who could stay mad at Luke Hemmings?

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