You Watch Supernatural Together

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I'm doing this one because Supernatural is one of my all time fav TV shows and I love love love it, comment if you do too! And if you haven't seen all the series yet don't read because spoilers.


"Oh my god!" You and Ashton both shout at the same time. "How the hell can Dean be a demon?" Ashton screeches in annoyance at the screen as the opening credits begin to play. "Sorry baby but now we gotta wait six months for season ten." You say playfully kissing his cheek. "I'm so annoyed!" He says frowning. "I didn't expect that at all like I thought Sam would make a deal with Crowley or something but Dean is a demon? Man I can't wait for season ten!" He cries in agitation. You get up to go and make you both a cup of tea and Ashton crawls behind you and puts his hand on stomach. "You know you love me?" Ashton pouts and you narrow your eyes at him. "What do you want, Irwin?" He grins slyly at you. "Rewatch season one?" He suggests and you roll your eyes at him. "Please babe, pretty please? I'll let you plait my hair like you're always begging?" He raises his brows seeing he's winning you over. "Okay, okay! Its a deal." You conceed and he let's out a giggle of delight and runs to TV to put the DVD in.


"Calum Hood! Are you crying?" You accuse looking at his face as he tried to cover it. "You're crying aren't you?" You asked him and he nodded, his cheeks turning red. "Bobby died! Y/N you can't not cry okay! He's the life of the goddamn show!" Calum complained. "Aw baby, I know I'm sad too." You say cuddling him.


"Holy hell, she is smoking!" Michael said as Ruby came on screen. You couldn't help but feel a little hurt, you definitely didn't compare to her. He turned to look at you as he felt your hand shrug out of his and he realised he had hurt your feelings. "Princess... I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry." He said rubbing his hand up your leg. "Its fine Mikey." You tell him patting his hand. "No its not, she's hella hot but you... You're beautiful and creative and intelligent. I love you Y/N." He grins nuzzling his nose against yours.


You'd finally managed to convince your fiancé Luke that he should watch your favourite TV show, Supernatural. You'd started from the beginning and had been cuddled in bed watching for a few hours now and you were six episodes in, the current episode involved the urban legend of Bloody Mary. Luke kept kissing your neck trying to distract you. "Luke! I'm trying to watch bro!" You whined, not that you didn't appreciate him because he was a damn good kisser but you really loved this episode. "Y/N I don't wanna watch it though." He mumbled into your skin. "Why not? You were super into it ten minutes ago?" You questioned. "Its scaring me." He confessed causing you to burst into laughter. "You can't be serious its not scary you're just a wimp." You say almost breathless from laughing. "Excuse me, little ghost girls are scary thank you very much." He says hiding in your neck once again. "Aw my little baby Lucas." You say patronising him and patting his head, "I'll protect you."

If you're actually a fan of the show then crappity crap have you seen the twitcam where Ash plays Carry on Wayward Son, I actually lost my shit

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