He Wants A Baby

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You snuggled in closer as a cold breeze came through the window, pushing your back against Ashton's bare chest, he pulled one arm around you, wincing a little at how cold your skin was. "Jeez you're freezing!" Ashton complained, pulling you in tighter to his chest. "Well, that's genuinely what happens when its cold outside." You smirked and felt his smile against your back. "You ever thought about kids?" He asked suddenly. You pulled away from him quickly, suprised by his words and turned yourself round to face him. "Woah! Where'd that come from?" You raised your eyebrows at him. "I've been thinking for a while... I think we should have a baby." Your heart fluttered in shock. "Ash... Are you sure? I mean, we're not married or... Are we ready?" You asked nervously and he smiled again, a warm and compassionate smile. "Nobody's ever ready, you learn on the job. There are two things in this world I love more than life itself: my band and you. I want our life to start. I want a baby with you. I love you." His eyes sparkled a little as a single tear rolled down his cheek. "Ash! You soppy bastard!" You laughed as you used your thumb to wipe away the liquid. "Yes, Irwin. I would love to have a baby with you."


The sound of Calum's hushed breathing and cooing filled the hospital room. Mali had just given birth to a healthy baby girl and Calum and you were the first people invited to meet her, Calum had immediately taken her into his arms, holding her so delicately as his brown eyes took her in, he stared at her in complete amazement as Mali and you watched in wonder. "So, whats her name?" You asked as you went to stand next to Calum, taking her tiny hand into your hand. "Yes, her name is Charlotte." Mali smiled proudly, watching as her younger brother pulled faces at the little bundle. After an hour of baby talk and cooing Mali began to get tired, so Calum decided it was time to let her have some peace. As you walked out of the delivery room Calum took your hand and squeezed it tight, there was a wide grin on his face. "Cal, what are you grinning like that for?" You asked suspiciously, narrowing your eyes at your fiancee. "Let's have one!" He said excitedly. "Have what? Oh hang on, don't tell me you want a baby..." You whined a little. "Why not?" Calum asked, hurt. "Because...." You drawled out the word trying to find an excuse, but there wasn't any. "Exactly! There's no reason why not so cmon let's get you home, soon to be Mrs. Hood! I wanna get a bun in that oven!" Calum giggled dragging out of the doors.


He'd been quiet all day, not said a single word and he'd even turned down the domino's that you'd ordered for the two of you. It was incredibly unlike Michael to turn down food, especially pizza, something was up. Currently he was sat on the sofa in front of the TV lounging in his boxers where'd he'd remained for most of the day. You decided to take the initiative and go and find out what was wrong, willingly you stormed up to him and dumped yourself on his lap, he looked surprised but smiled a little before pulling you to his chest. "So... Cmon grumpy tell me whats up!" You demanded, lightly punching his chest. "Nothing." He mumbled, tearing his gaze away from you. "Don't give me that crap Mike, something is up and I'm not moving until you spill." You said determinedly moving yourself into a position that was uncomfortable for him, causing him to shift and frown at you. "Okay... Alright. Y/N, I want to have a baby." He confessed sheepishly. "What? That's why you've been funny all day? You were scared to tell me?" And he nodded sadly, looking down. "Michael Clifford you godamn dumbass! What made you think I wouldn't want a baby with you?" You asked and he shrugged aimlessly. "Well we've only been together two years and we're not even engaged or anything." You smiled fondly at him. "Michael, I'd love to have a baby with you." You said softly, brushing your hand along his jawline. "Really? We can have a baby?" He asked excitedly, his green eyes lighting up and you nodded quickly, beaming at him. He jumped up suddenly and half knocked you to the floor before pulling you back up into a wide hug, he was almost jumping with excitement. "I'm so happy Y/N! I love you so much." He smiled wildly from ear to ear, enveloping you in a warm hug.


Luke had been behaving so weirdly for the last couple hours, unable to stop grinning. Physically incapable of pulling this strange face that made you suspicious of him and you were starting to get annoyed with him. "Luke! I'm running to the shops to get milk I'll be back soon." You shouted at him from the kitchen. "Okay babe! Take your time!" He called back to you and you frowned in annoyance before grabbing your keys and marching out. Whatever Luke was doing was probably something sweet but you hated surprises and he knew that. Twenty five minutes later you walked back in and were about to throw your keys onto the table but stopped when you realised the house was pitch black except for some teeny candles that ran up the length of the hallway, stopping at your bedroom door. You smiled to yourself before pulling off your shoes and coat and walking swiftly through the path of candles to your bedroom. Your breath hitched as you opened the door, it was beautiful. Luke had illuminated the entire room in candles of all different colours, shapes and sizes and it smelled wonderful. He'd scattered pink rose petals all over the bed and stood on the opposite of the room was Luke himself, holding a teddy bear that had 'I love you' written across its stomach. "Luke!" You gushed, "what's all this for?". He smiled as he walked over to you, handing you the teddy bear. "Because we're having a baby." Your eyes widened in shock. "We are?" You questioned. "Yep. I want a baby, seeing my nephew today made me broody, I want one." He grinned cheekily. "Well, okay." You smiled back at him seductively, he backed you against the wall, his breath warm on your neck. "Well baby, let's get started..."

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