Buying You A Present

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Ash would get you something that to someone else may be meaningless and not of value but to you it would mean the world to you, maybe something you'd seen while you were out one day and really wanted, like a necklace or bracelet from a random market stall, Ashton would've specifically gone and searched for that market stall because he remembered how you coveted it. Also he would give you things that symbolised special moments in your relationship, he'd present them to you in a box and it would be like a memoir of different points in your relationship, like a ticket stub from went you went to the cinema, unique pebbles you'd found on walks along the beach and small things that had special meaning to you.


Calum's all about the romance and doing anything and everything he can to woo you, he'd buy you sexy lingerie that he picked out specifically for you wear in front of him or something you could do together that might lead to sex. He'd probably surprise you at one point with a tiny Labrador puppy but wouldn't mention that it was more of a present for him than it was for you.

I think Michael would buy awesome presents because the two of you are so alike he knows exactly what to buy. He'd buy vintage vinyls and classic video games, things you could enjoy together but he'd also be a sucker for novelty gifts, inflatable dolls, trick lighters, joke books and anything that could get you laughing because your laugh was his favourite sound.


Luke would have absolutely no clue what to buy you as a present, kinda like Joey in Friends, on your anniversary he'd probably buy you a pair of socks and an apple but you wouldn't even care because you knew that he would've put a lot of thought into picking out those socks and he'd probably call the other boys for help on what to get you because he absolutely wanted you to have the best gift possible and the boys would help him but get hella awkward because they had no idea what sort of things girls liked.

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