L.H - Bad Boss

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Lucas Hemmings. The name made your skin crawl and your eyes roll back in your head, he was the ultimate boss from hell. Achieved success at a young age, let the arrogance go to his stupid head when he became the CEO at Epitaph Records which was the company you'd spent 4 and a half years working in.

He was a great guy at first, charming, handsome, intellectual... However he'd caught a lucky break, picked out the right numbers on a lottery tickets and won himself a small fortune which he had used to buy out the company and employ a team to help him run it and though his wallet grew, his ego became even bigger. Asshole didn't even begin to describe him, that stupid way he'd strut about the office like he owned the place, technically he did but nobody likes a douchebag, the way his eyes would scan your body when you chose a pencil skirt instead of pants and the sly smirks he would direct at you during meetings.

For the first time in forever, you were having a good day, Mr. Hemmings was nowhere to be seen, you were wearing a brand new teal coloured shirt and you'd actually managed to scarf down some breakfast before rushing out of the door which didn't happen often. In the mornings it usually came down to getting an extra twenty minutes in bed or eating and the bed always won. You sat yourself down in the swivel chair and wiggled to get comfy before rearranging your ponytail and logging onto the computer, if the rest of the day continued in the same fashion as the morning it would be a damn good day.

"Excuse me, Y/N?" A deep voice forced its way in to your bubble of positivity and you took in a large amount of air as you clenched your knuckles tightly at the familiarity of the voice. You turned your chair to face Mr. Hemmings, attempting your best polite small but only managing a forced grimace. Despite being an ass, he was a fine piece of ass, dressed in a crisp suit and burgundy coloured tie, hovering over you like a shadow that wouldn't disappear.

"Yes, sir?"

"I need to see you in my office. Now." His voice was firm and demanding but the look that was plastered on his face contrasted deeply.

"Okay, sir?" You weren't entirely sure how to respond. He gave you a fleeting smile before taking off at a brisk pace back to his office. You frowned in annoyance at your screen before sadly getting up to follow in the boss' steps.

His office door was open and you could see him perched lightly on the front of his desk, watching you with every step you took. You chewed nervously on your lip as you walked in, closing the large mahogany door behind you and standing to face him. His eyes looked bluer than usual and it made you incredibly uncomfortable, being sexually attracted to your boss, who was a total dick, was definitely not what you needed.

"How are you today Y/N?" He asked courteously.

"Very well thank you, sir." You stood awkwardly, twiddling your hands together to keep from looking at him too much.

"Sir.." He pondered, raising one brow. "I like that. I have a bit of a bone to pick with you actually, why I called you in here. Recently we invested in high tech camera and microphone equipment after one of our employees was caught stealing and well, it picked up on some interesting things. Coffee room conversations..." There was a light smile playing against his lips.

Crap! You'd had some pretty personal conversations in the coffee room with your colleague Brenda, conversations about him... You smiled as politely as you could muster and tried to calm down the burning red in your cheeks.

"One quote we picked up on was 'it's a shame he's such a prick because otherwise I would climb him like a tree'. Interesting." He was enjoying mocking you.

Your heart had began to race and you couldn't even meet his piercing gaze, instead deciding to stare at the dark grey carpet. He stood up from his seat on the desk and slowly walked towards you, his leather shoes padding softly against the carpet, your heartbeat was increasing and you could feel beads of sweat begin to arise on your neck and you weren't sure if it was because you were turned on or terrified. You backed away as he got tantalisingly closer but only wanted to face palm yourself as you realised you'd backed yourself up against the door.

He stopped right in front of you, his mesmerizing eyes staring into yours as he slowly ran his tongue across his bottom lip in anticipation. "For a woman of so many words you seem to be a little speechless." His whisper was dark and laced with an unmistakable lust that had you crossing your legs tightly and you were relishing in the sweet peppermint smell of his breath.

"Sorry, sir." You choked out, trying hard to maintain your cool. As you said 'sir' he squeezed his eyes shut and breathed in heavily through his nose. He liked it. Without a warning he grabbed ahold of your hand, pushing it above your head and leering his face just inches from yours. "Say that again.." He swallowed, not breaking eye contact.

You bit your lip in heat and said it one last time before his lips crashed against yours. His lips were soft and tasted vaguely of coffee and peppermint, his light stubble felt rough against your jaw and his hands had yours placed above you, his pelvis pushing into you and forcing you to melt into him.

After a minute he pulled away, leaving you high and dry but he smirked at you before pulling on his tie, struggling to take it off.

It was about to get hot in this office...


HEEEY EVERYBODY its been a while since I updated omg I'm sorry I've been so so busy with college and crap I haven't had the time or motivation.

Did y'all see the Hey Everybody! music video because it was the inspo for this bc Luke in that suit got me so turned on I swear but what did you guys think of it? Personally I think its the absolute best video they've ever made.

also can I just say I saw fall out boy on monday and crap on my bed they were amazing, literally the best freaking concert I've ever been to, sorry 5sos!

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