Getting A Pet

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"Y/N I'm serious, let's get one." Ashton said firmly to you as you stood in the pet shop, you'd decided to take your first step as a couple living in a new place by buying a pet. You'd walked round and fallen in love with a huge Golden Retriever that was up for adoption but Ashton's sights were set elsewhere. "Ash really? A bearded dragon?" You asked him trying to ignore his frantic nodding. "Please baby?" He pouted and you felt yourself start to cave, his pout was irresistible. "Ash...." You drawled out his name. "Okay Ashton, we can get one but... You take full care of it, feed it, clean its tank and everything it needs." You reason. "Okay Y/N thank you! Man, I've wanted one of these since I was a kid but mum was afraid!" He said excitedly. Later on when you were back at home and your new pet was secure in his tank, Ashton sat by the tank looking in at him in awe. "So have you decided what you're gonna call him yet?" You asked Ash who wouldn't turn his gaze away from the reptile. "Yep." He said popping the p. "His name is Ringo." He smiled proudly. "Ringo?" You questioned. "Yes, Ringo. Like the film Rango and also Ringo Starr, from the Beatles. Incorporating two things I love to create a name." His proud grin was huge, you smiled at the back of his head letting Ashton admire his new pet.


You heard a high pitched squeal that resembled that of an excited six year old girl, of course it wasn't, it was Calum. After months of incessant begging you'd finally given in to Calum's pleas and agreed to get a puppy, as soon as you had given him the okay he'd dragged you into the car and driven straight to the pound, ready to adopt your puppy. As soon as he'd walked in his eyes had lit up as he was surrounded by pens of puppies, he'd made his way over to a pen of Siberian Husky puppies and could not stop fawning over them, he'd climbed straight into the pen and was bombarded by the animals, he now sat there with the widest grin on his face, three puppies in his arms and one between his legs and you were overwhelmed with how much you loved this idiot. After twenty minutes of Calum crying about how cute they were you started to get bored, "Cal? Can you pick one already? My legs are starting to hurt." You whined and Calum muttered back okay, too busy playing with the dogs. "I want you!" Calum cooed, picking up the puppy between his legs and cuddling it like a baby "Hell little puppy. I'm gonna take you home and cuddle you all the time, yes I am, yes I am..." He said in a baby voice making you burst out laughing, Calum was very large and muscular but around puppies was a huge softie, the contrast was hilarious. "What are you calling him, Cal?" You asked, a smile still on your face. "His name shall be... Sir Pimp-A-Lot." He said with a snigger. "Be serious Calum." You told him. "I am. That's his name..." Calum said looking at you like you were an idiot. "Sir Pimp-A-Lot? Okay. Fine. But I'm not calling him that." You agreed. "Aw don't listen to the mean lady Sir Pimp-A-Lot, I'm going to take you home and give you lots of cuddles and kisses and we're gonna get you all the bitches." Calum laughed to the dog, placing a kiss between its ears and causing the dog to lick his face, making you both giggle.


Ever since the tour had ended Michael had been bored out of his mind, hardly leaving his bedroom and rarely tearing his eyes away from the screen of his Xbox. Your relationship had gotten pretty dull, you hadn't left the house in weeks, him only moving for food, using the toilet and having sex. He needed something else to focus on. It was Saturday and you didn't have work today and when you got up and Michael was fast asleep next to you, his Xbox controller still in his hand, you decided that enough was enough. On a mission, you'd showered, gotten dressed and gone out the door leaving a note for Michael to tell him you were going to do some shopping. You wandered aimlessly through the shopping centre, weaving in and out of shops trying to find something for Michael that would inspire him to snap out of his video game induced daze. Two hours later you'd had no luck, no inspiration, giving up you started to walk back home when something caught your eye: the animal shelter. If there was one thing Michael was a sucker for it was something cute and fluffy. Without really thinking it through you marched in through the doors and engaged one of the people in a conversation telling her you were interested in getting a kitten. Half an hour later you walked out of the place with a cat carrier in your arms and a kitten inside, it was black and white and you'd gotten it because the pattern of its fur reminded you of Michaels hair. With the carrier in your grasp you went out and brought, food, a litter tray, litter and a whole bunch of cat toys before getting a taxi home. When you arrived home Michael was up and surprise, surprise he was on the Xbox already but this time you didn't mind because it meant you could surprise him. You settled your things down and took the kitten from its carrier, she was purring quietly in your hands and she was tiny and if she was small in your hands she would be miniscule in his large ones. You walked determinedly to the bedroom and slowly placed the kitten onto Michael's lap, he looked down hesitantly and let out a hushed "Oh my god, aw!" Before pausing the game and taking the small animal into his arms. "Oh my god babe! Did you get this for me?" He asked in awe not taking his hand off of the kitten. "Her. Yes I got her for you, but I named her, she's called Jett." You smiled at him. "Jett?" He questioned. "Yeah, like Joan Jett and I felt like she suits the name." He smiled nodding in agreement and cuddling her into his cheek. "Thank you Y/N, I love her and I love you." And he stood up and pressed a kiss to your forehead before going to play with his new kitten.


"Its so fluffy!" Luke shouted at you a huge grin on his face. He'd gotten back from tour today and you'd brought a pet rabbit to surprise him, knowing he'd wanted one since he was a young boy but was unable because one of his brothers was allergic. His entire face had lit up and he'd ran straight to the hutch and taken it into his arms, giggling like a child as he watched it move around your garden. Two weeks later you'd both been shocked when you'd gone to feed your rabbit, who'd been named Thumper by Luke, he wasn't very original, and had seen it surrounded by three smaller rabbits. After making a phone call to the friend who you'd brought the rabbit from you were slightly annoyed when she only then disclosed the fact that the rabbit 'might' have been pregnant. You went back out to the garden to find Luke cross legged by the hutch and leaning in to it, watching the baby animals in amazement. Upon seeing you he jumped up and hugged you "Y/N! Look babe! We have our own rabbit family! We can have the entire cast of Bambi, babe!" He laughed like a giddy ten year old making you laugh too. "Luke why are you so excited over rabbits?" You frowned at him trying not to laugh at his excitement. "Because... They're cute and fluffy and adorable and I've always wanted one and I now I have a whole family. This is great, its been my childhood dream forever. Thank you Y/N, I'm so happy we have our little family now." He laughed and you couldn't help but join in.

Yeah so Luke's is really short and I feel like it sucked so bad but I didn't want to do them all the same, my favourite is Calum's because I can definitely seeing him naming a puppy that.

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