Your First Time

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Everyone thinks Ashton is so rough and dangerous but no, I think at first he'd be so gentle and sweet to you and keep asking if you're sure and keep asking you if you're okay. He'd push your hair out of your face and places kisses on your nose and forehead and he'd be so slow at first, moving really gentle inside you but then when he realised you were okay and enjoying it he'd start getting a bit rougher and he'd love it when you ran your nails up the length of his back making him shiver at your touch. Once he knew it was good for you he'd let loose and be really rough and he'd moan your name so quietly into your neck.


Calum would love looking at your body, especially your butt and when you were kissing he'd always grab a handful of ass and smirk into the kiss as he did so. Calum isn't nervous about hurting you because he trusts himself and knows he loves you enough so he doesn't constantly ask if you're okay. I think Calum would be very sensual and passionate and he'd bite your lip whilst kissing and he'd love you leaving hickeys on his neck. He'd be really loud when he came too, mumbling your name and many profanities not caring at all who could hear him.


Michael loves blowjobs, its a fact. His favourite sight was seeing you go down on him and it turned him on so much when you made eye contact. When it was your first time he'd try really hard to be patient but he'd give himself away by the huge bulge forming in his trousers but when it got down to it he'd be very caring and kiss you a lot to make sure you were comfortable. Once he was in he wouldn't be able to help himself and he'd thrust so hard and make you yell out in pain but then felt bad and to make it up would shower your upper body with soft kisses. His thrusts would be really sloppy and he wouldn't have much of a rhythm and when he came it would be a mumble of 'fuck' and 'shit' and groaning your name.


Luke would be super awkward and completely unaware of how large he was, his body would tower yours and but he'd still want to be the little spoon. He would ask you if you're okay non stop to the point that he's kind of annoying but he makes it up with soft kisses along your collarbone. He wouldn't be able to help himself when he entered you for the first time and he'd close his eyes and bite his lips in pleasure, he'd still be constantly asking you if you're alright and he'd get up a really nice rhythm with your body, making sure he hit your spot with each thrust. When he came it would be really quiet and you could only hear because he was so close to you but they'd just be little groans and grunts and he'd whisper your name a lot.

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