He Unintentionally Insults You

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"What do you think of this one Ash?" You asked, holding the bra up to your torso. Ashton shrugged his shoulder with a small, absent minded smile. You'd just decided to do some shopping, nothing special you really just wanted to spend some time with Ashton, just the two of you but Ashton hated underwear shopping.

"Fine, fine." You muttered in annoyance as you put the bra back down but then your eyes caught sight of another. It was red and yellow lace and was just so beautiful you couldn't resist picking it up. "What about this one?" You grinned, twirling around to show him but he just grimaced.

"I don't know babe, you don't really have the right body type." He shrugged nonchalantly. Your mouth dropped open in shock and hurt and Ashton's eyes widened as he realised what he'd said.

"Y/N." He began but you cut him off. "No, I get it Ash." You whispered as tears filled your eyes and you tried to hide how hurt you were.

"Babe you know what's not what I meant!" Ashton protested, following after you as you threw the bra down and marched out of the shop, before you could make it to the door he grabbed ahold of your wrist. "Please Y/N."

"No. Please just let go."

"You know I didn't mean to hurt you." He said sadly.

"Then what did you mean huh?" You retorted and his face went blank. "Just forget it, Ash."

"What I mean is you are perfect. You don't need this ridiculous looking underwear to be sexy. That underwear is for pretentious models who know they're hot. You are the most perfect thing I've ever seen, you could wear a black sack for clothes and you'd still outshine everyone. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." He explained with a sad pout and you couldn't help but smile at him. Sure he was an idiot who put his foot in his mouth a lot, but he was your idiot and he loved you for exactly who you were.


You hopped out of the shower quickly, grabbing your towel to dry yourself off and smiling to yourself. You'd just belted out a Dreamgirls song and were feeling unusually proud for hitting the high notes. You weren't usually one to brag but you actually thought that you sounded pretty good and watching your boyfriend, Calum, live out his dream on stage in front of thousands of people made you envious, you wanted the same.

Once you were dry and dressed you walked out into yours and Calum's bedroom where he was laying on the floor absent mindedly scrolling through twitter. "Hey babe." He greeted, not tearing his eyes away from the screen.

"Okay. I'm going to tell you something and I want your absolute honest opinion, okay? I'm thinking about audition for The Voice." You confessed, unable to stop the hint of red rushing to your cheeks. Calum looked at you wide eyed before bursting into a fit of laughter, throwing his head back and clutching his hand to his chest, you frowned at him sadly and turned round and walked back into the bathroom, sitting on the side of bath in shame. Calum walked in, a hint of a smile still playing on the corners of his lips. "Sorry." He said quickly, hanging his head to hide his face.

"Forget it, Cal."

"Baby, don't be like that." He said, his voice low as he crouched to kneel in front of you.

"I just told you something in confidence and you quite literally laughed in my face. That hurt, Calum." You admitted, not wanting to look him in the eyes so he wouldn't see that they'd glassed over with tears.

"It was just the heat of the moment!" He defended. "Y/N, I think you sound beautiful and you know that I love hearing you sing, especially when its my songs, that's my favourite." He blushed. "What I laughed at is you said you wanted to go on a reality show, that's ridiculous! You're way too good for those shows, I know its worked out for other people, my sister and the 1d boys but I don't think that's the way for you. You're too kind and compassionate you wouldn't be able to watch someone else lose their chance of achieving their dream just so you can get yours. I'll tell you what, I'll speak with someone at the studio, maybe we can get you in for a demo and see how people react." You couldn't help your grin that was now breaking out.

"Really! Oh my god, Cal! Thank you!" You gushed and jumped up to hug him.

"Anything for you babe."


"Shut up, Clifford." You snarled as Michael laughed at the tears running down your face. You'd spent the entire weekend having a Vampire Diaries marathon and you'd reached the awful end of season three that ended with Alaric's death, a scene that always made you cry like a baby.

"You know he's not real right?" Michael chuckled.

"Its Alaric! He's like the father of the group!" You howled with tears as the episode ended but Michael continued to poke fun. "Stop!" You whined but that only egged Michael on even more so you got up and launched yourself at him, hurling punches lightly to his ribs and shoulders and not realising that your knee collided directly with his groin. He groaned in pain loudly. "Y/N! You're too fucking heavy get off!" He choked out. Your mouth fell open and you quickly climbed off of him and crawled back to your seat, pulling your knees up and wrapping your arms around them. Michael realised quickly the effect of what he'd said. "Oh crap." He sighed in frustration. "Y/N, you know I didn't mean that."

"Of course." You scoffed.

"You hit me in the balls! It just slipped out! I didn't mean it the way you think I did, love." He crawled over next to you and pulled you onto his lap, peppering the side of your face with kisses. "See? You're perfect." He whispered into your ear, smiling. You couldn't resist a small smile surfacing. "There we go! That's what I want to see!" Michael cheered. "Never forget how much I love you Y/N."


"Hey Luke! I'm just looking through this course catalogue for uni and I'm thinking about sociology and psychology, what do you think?" You called out absent mindedly to Luke as you browsed through your newly acquired university prospectus. Luke was sickeningly engrossed in an intense match of FIFA with Michael, which he was losing currently, and was hardly listening to a word you were saying.

"What was that babe?" He asked, not bothering to look away from the screen as he chewed on his lip ring in a mix of desperation and determination.

"Sociology and psychology!" You shouted slowly, hoping if you enunciated your words he might actually pay attention.

"Don't you have to be super smart to do those courses?" He frowned.

"Are you saying I'm not smart?" You asked now annoyed as well as impatient.

"Not really." He shrugged. Michael looked at him with his mouth open and just shook his head at him.

"Bro..." Michael scalded and Luke caught on to what he was actually saying. He paused the game and did an awkward half smile before turning to look at you with his typical 'sorry I'm a douche' expression. You cocked one eyebrow at him as you waited for an apology.

"Well, that didn't come out the way it was meant to." Was his apology attempt.

"You're going to have do much better than that, Lucas." You narrowed your eyes at him and folded your arms.

"I'll get you tickets for a Twenty One Pilots concert." He offered with a smirk, damn him for bringing concert tickets into this, he knew it'd break you.

"Deal." You smiled in satisfaction.


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