You Feel Insecure

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"I'm not wearing that." You said firmly as Ashton pulled a dress out. He'd been shopping with the boys and had brought you a dress, you couldn't lie the dress was absolutely stunning, it was black and fairly low cut so your cleavage would be on show but your problem was that it was backless. The band were at the ARIA's awards tomorrow night where they'd been nominated for a few awards and you'd been giddy to accept when Ashton invited you as his date. "Y/N, please? I brought this specifically for you to wear tomorrow because I heard you complaining on the phone to your friend saying you didn't have a dress yet." He said sadly looking down at the dress. "Ash don't get me wrong okay, the dress is amazing but I wouldn't feel comfortable in that..." You admitted to him and you saw his face fall even more. "Why wouldn't you be comfortable? You're the most beautiful person I've ever known?" He was confused. "Because Ash... My body its not like all the other girls, its not perfect and skinny and beautiful, its horrible." You said, barely audible but Ashton heard you. He tossed the dress over the bed and walked over to you, pulling you into a deep hug. "Y/N, please believe me when I say you're beautiful, you're the most perfect person I've ever laid eyes on and all the boys agree with me, I had to tell them to not make a move when we first met because I wanted you so badly. That dress is a bit revealing but you're going to look outstanding in it! But once you've tried it on if you truly feel embarrassed you don't have to wear it." He said softly into the top of your head making you smile. "No, I'll wear the dress Ash, but only if you promise to rip it off of me when we get home?" You say suggestively and hear his deep chuckle. "Oh baby, I can definitely promise that."


Recently you'd been dating the bassist from 5 Seconds of Summer, Calum Hood and man, he was amazing but dating someone in a band had its drawbacks. Most of the fans on Twitter had been supportive and some had agreed to just be respectful of Calum's choices but there were the few who were awful, venomous hate comments saying how Calum could do much better, how you weren't good enough for him and the comments took their toll on you. Calum had invited you to the beach with a bunch of his friends and everything had gone smoothly until now, you'd worn a pair of shorts paired with a vest and a sheer cardigan but everybody was now getting up to go swimming. One by one Calum's friends stripped down to their bikinis and swim wear as you sat shamefully trying not to focus on the fact they were all in much better shape than you. After realising you weren't getting up Calum came jogging over to you and pulled on your hand, looking confused when you resisted. "Y/N, cmon, come swimming!" He begged excitedly but you just shook your head, his brow furrowed and he plonked himself down in front of you and crossed his legs, taking your hands into his. "What's wrong?" He asked his tone becoming serious. "Nothings wrong Cal, I just... Don't feel like swimming." You lied, but he saw right through you. "Y/N, we've not been dating long but I know you well enough to know you're lying." He said his voice deep. You bit your lip and after a second of thinking decided to be honest, "Those girls are all so pretty and I'm..." You trailed off, allowing him to fill in the gaps, he shook his head sadly, almost hurt, as you told him. "Y/N I think you're prettier than all these girls, you're not just pretty, you're incredibly sexy. Now take off your clothes and come swimming with me, please?" He pouted and you weren't able to resist.


Its safe to say Michael had a very drunken New Years Eve as it was the next day and he was drunkenly passed out in your shared bed. He'd gotten home at the early hours of the morning, you'd not gone due to period pains, and it was now 3pm and he still hadn't moved an inch. You'd had plans to go to lunch today but clearly that wasn't happening so in your boredom you'd wandered to the laptop and started to mindlessly scroll through twitter. People had been tagging your @ name to a bunch of photos so you decided to take a look through them, they were all pictures of Michael with another girl and the girl was the mind blowingly beautiful Halsey, you knew her and Michael were good friends but man she was breathtaking, actual goals, and people were commenting that they shipped them, more than you and Michael... You turned off your laptop and walked away from it, you knew they were just good friends but that picture was imprinted in your head and you began comparing yourself to her. Sadly you left your bedroom and went and sat at your kitchen table, wanting to get as far from the laptop as possible. Just fifteen minutes later Michael walked in, a bundle of groans and stretches in just his grey boxers and his red hair stuck up in every possible angle. He took a seat next to you, suspecting something was up. "Morning Y/N, sorry about lunch but I had to sleep off that hangover, what's wrong?" He asked softly and yawned quietly. "Nothing." You said innocently, it was kinda embarrassing to admit to your boyfriend you were jealous of how gorgeous his friend was. "Y/N, you're genuinely the worst liar. Tell me, please?" He asked and started playing with your hair and before you could stop yourself you cried out, "People ship you with Halsey more than me! We're actually a couple but they ship you guys more and you know what, I agree. She's everything and I'm... I'm nothing." You half cried and Michael burst out laughing giving you the urge to punch him between the eyes. "Michael Clifford will you stop freaking laughing whilst I'm having a crisis!" But he only laughed harder. "Y/N, babe, calm down. I've seen people on twitter ship me romantically with my other band members, its just harmless and it doesn't mean anything. Sure she's pretty and all but she's not you, I don't love her, I love you Y/N, even if you can be an insecure idiot at times." He laughed and kissed you, reassuring you but you playfully slapped his arm before getting up to make coffee and then getting him to tell you about the party.


You'd been with Luke for four years now, you'd known him your entire life having grown up in the same town but when you'd gotten to high school he was the only person you knew and you'd ended up dating. Four years later you were still going strong and people idolised your relationship, admiring the fact you'd been together so long, but everything was changing now. Puberty had struck Luke like a bus, almost overnight he'd grown ten foot and developed from a skinny prepubescent with an awful fringe to a piece of ass that looked like he'd been created by Greek gods, his jawline had become prominent and his shoulders had widened, stubble was growing on his once hairless face and he'd started to get a lot of attention from other girls. Everywhere you went some girl with huge boobs randomly would appear and start talking to him out of nowhere and your self esteem would plummet to the depths of hell. You were currently at a party with him and you'd overheard two girls talking about Luke, "Have you seen Luke? I'm so trying to hook up with him tonight." The girl had said determinedly and her friend had replied "You know he has a girlfriend?" But she'd laughed in her friends face, "Yeah, Y/N, and have you seen her? Luke needs to be with someone as hot as him, not with someone that looks like something my cat barfed up." And they'd both burst out into a fit of laughter. Hurt and starting to cry you'd found your way out to the front of the house and sat down on the doorstep, not caring who saw you and letting your tears flow. After a few minutes you heard Luke calling your name and it wasn't long until he found you. "Y/N! Finally, I've been looking everywhere for you, hey, woah, what's wrong babe? Are you crying?" He asked panicking before taking a seat next to you and pulling you into his lap. "I'm not good enough for you anymore Luke, that's what everyone says, you've gotten freakishly hot and I'm just plain and ugly..." You cried into his chest. "Who said that?" He demanded. "Just some girls inside and pretty much every female you've came into contact with." You said sadly using his shirt as a tissue. "Ignore them, they're all whores anyway." He attempted to joke but you weren't in the mood to laugh. "Y/N... Seriously, I'm the one who isn't good enough for you, you're smart and beautiful and compassionate and creative, I feel so amazed sometimes that you're even with me." He admitted truthfully, shocking you. "Y/N I love you so much, more than I could ever have imagined. You're the one I want to spend my life with." You gasped and pulled yourself up to look at his grinning face. "That was my pre-proposal but at some point I will actually propose to you, I love you Y/N, its only ever going to be you."

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