M.C - Going Into Labour

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You huffed and puffed loudly as you tried to make yourself comfortable, being a week away from your due date certainly wasn't the easiest thing you'd ever done but hopefully in just two short weeks everything would be worth it. Michael tried to adjust himself so you weren't fidgeting against him but it wasn't working.

You and him were laying on the couch together whilst you watched a movie with the other boys, Luke was sat cross legged on the ground by your head, Ashton was propped up on his elbows laying across half of the carpet and Calum was curled in an armchair, his long legs drooping over the arm and his head lolling back as he snored gently.

"I love you..." Michael whispered softly, his warm breath close against your neck as his arms wrapped round you, trying to find a position that allowed you both to be comfortable, his hand found its way to your large stomach and he ran his hand across it, drawing small circles. "I can't wait to see our little boy, little Nate..." He smiled, the smile of a man who'd had all his dreams come true.

"His name is Nathaniel." You said firmly, you'd always loved the name but Michael insisted on shortening it.

"Eh, whatever.." He smiled nuzzling his nose into the back of you're neck. A few seconds later he started to daintily run his hand up your thigh, you knew what he was hinting at. "No way in hell, Clifford." You whispered firmly. "We're in a room with three other boys and I'm heavily pregnant. It ain't happening baby." and he pouted continuing to rub further up your leg. You felt an unpleasant pain shoot through the bottom of your abdomen making you wince. "Babe, are you alright?" Michael asked panicking.

"I'm fine, its just the ghost contractions thing the midwife mentioned, nothing to worry about." You smiled feebly but Michael didn't return the smile, instead causing him to pull you even closer to him. The twinges of pain continued making you wince often and you had to stand up. Michael watched you carefully as you straightened your body and groaned, making an attempt to walk but stopping when you felt an odd sensation, like water trickling down your leg and you blushed a shade of scarlett as you realised you must have accidentally peed yourself. You didn't want to let any of the boys know what was happening considering how damn embarrassing it was so you half waddled in the direction of the toilet but the more you moved the more fluid dripped down your leg combined with a sharp pain in your abdomen. Then it hit you... You weren't peeing. You were in labour, this was your waters breaking.

"Mike... Michael! Michael!" You called out in panic and he quickly rushed to your side, placing his hands all over you to figure out what was wrong.

"Baby what is it? Are you in pain? Do you need help? Is it the baby?" He asked frantically.

"Y-yes... Michael... The baby's coming!" You screamed at him as another shock of pain ripped through you.

"But... You aren't, you're not... You're not due for another two weeks! We need more time!" He cried out fisting his hands in his hair.

"Well I'm sorry Michael!" You spat out viciously, deep down you knew he was just being an average man and panicking but right now you really needed him to not freak out. "Our baby is coming, now. Get me to a fucking hospital because so help me god, if I have the baby in front of the band I'll use the umbilical cord to strangle everyone." You hissed out through staggered breaths. Sensing your stress Michael immediately jumped to action.

"Cal! Get the car ready! Y/N's gone into labour! We gotta get her to the hospital!" Michael shouted at Calum who looked dumbfounded before the seriousness of Michaels voice hit him and he hopped to his feet. Michael continued instructing the boys while he kept his arms wrapped tightly around your waist to support your legs. "Luke! Go and get the hospital bag and get it into the car!" Luke was watching you with a look of nausea, clearly the idea of childbirth terrified him so he sprinted up the stairs in search of the bag. "Ashton! The other two are wimps I need you to help me get Y/N out to the car!" Michael instructed and Ashton pulled a disgusted face.

"Mike... What if the baby slips outta her onto the floor or something. I don't want to get the slime on my foot." Ashton frowned hesitantly walking over to where you and Michael stood awkwardly.

"Ugh Ash.. It-it doesn't work... That way. P-please!" You managed to shout out through heavy breaths. Face contorted Ash came over and reluctantly put an arm around your waist, then through his and Michaels combined efforts they managed to help you get out of the house and into the backseat of the car. Calum was driving, Luke next to him and Ashton and Michael on either side of you.

Michael squeezed his hand on your thigh and despite the look of horror on Ashton's face and the look of sickness plastered on Luke's you felt safe. You were about to have a baby with the love of your life, nothing else mattered.

Kinda an abrupt end but I could maybe do a part two?

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