How You Meet

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For my Ash one they meet in HMV and if you're English you'll know but idk if they have that in other places but its basically this huge store where they sell, albums, vinyls, DVD's and games and stuff.


You'd decided to go to your local shopping centre for a spot of shopping with your wages, its not often that you treat yourself so why not? After relentless clothes shopping you made your way to HMV looking for a new vinyl to add to your ever growing collection. You wandered recklessly through the racks of albumbs before setting your sights on the one you wanted. Back in Black by AC/DC, a classic. You walked over to it hand outstretched before a large figure knocked your hand and grabbed it first. "Um hey excuse me! I was about to grab that!" You half shouted at the tall stranger and he turned to greet you, he was taller than you but not my much, only a foot or so and he was gorgeous, he had shaggy brown hair that fell around his face and hazel eyes and he grinned widely at you. "And what on earth do you need this for?" He pulled a face. "Hello? Back in Black? Literally the definition of classic rock, probably one of the greatest rock bands of all time..." You said to him smugly, he'd obviously assumed you knew nothing. "Hm... I'll make you a deal. You can have this, if you give me your number and come for coffee with me right now?" He spoke suggestively. Wow, you'd only came in here for an album but now a freakishly good looking boy was asking you out. "Its a deal, what's your name? In my head I'm calling you the album thief so..." And he laughed. "Its Ashton."


Holidaying in Australia was amazing, no better way to celebrate your A levels than by jetting off to one of the most beautiful countries in the world. You'd been staying with family that lived there and the majority of your time had been spent on the beach, soaking up the vitamin D. You were laying there with a book in your hand, 50 Shades of Grey to be precise, when you were suddenly knocked half over by a volleyball that plummeted into your head. Stumbling and spluttering as your book fell out of your hand you got up to grab it before a long tanned arm beat you to it. Looking up in annoyance at the stranger you gasped a little because god damn he was hot. His hair was flicked with blonde highlights and his skin was a beautiful tan colour that accented his large biceps. "Wow, sorry about that!" The boy gushed as he handed your book back to you. "You should be." You said bluntly, he was hot and all but he'd just lost your page and that wasn't easily forgiven. "How about I make it up by giving you my phone number? I'm Calum by the way." He said cheerily and his tone had just a hint of cheekiness to it, the kind that suggested he knew exactly what he was doing. "I'm sorry, Calum? But how is me having your number an appropriate apology?" But he just smiled and shook his head. "Because darling, after one date with me Christian Grey will seem like a lame ass." He smirked and you had to fight back a smile, he had that arrogant charm that was strangely attractive. "Fine." You said stubbornly and he told you his number which you saved into your phone. "Anyway gorgeous, I better get back to my volleyball game, oh and you should know... I totally hit you with the ball on purpose, needed a good reason to chat you up." He winked seductively and ran off back to his friends.


You were at a concert for Lower Than Atlantis and having the absolute time of your life, the venue was kind of small and cramped but that only added to the atmosphere as people jumped and rocked out. They'd began to play Cool Kids when a sharp elbow in your ribs made you wince in pain and clutch your hand to your chest, your friend hadn't noticed that she'd winded you and she was having such a good time you didn't want to disturb her. "Y/F/N! I'm gonna sit down for a second I'm feeling a bit funny!" You shouted at her over the music but she only nodded frantically as she was completely engrossed in the music. You pushed your way through the throng of people and sat on a sofa in a small side room, there was a boy with bright pink hair sat on it already but you ignored him and plonked yourself down, taking a minute to catch your breath. You could feel the boy looking at you but decided to ignore. "Hey." He said quietly and gave a little wave and you turned and gave him a small smile. "Let's play titanic. You be the iceberg and I go down." The boy said, kind of nervous and you turned to him, eyes wide. "Erm, what the hell man?" You asked outraged. "Oh my god I'm sorry! Please don't think I'm weird I... I thought it'd be funny. Oh my god I'm an idiot, pretty girl, clearly great taste in music and I blew it, cool, good job Michael." He muttered to himself and you softened to him. "Well, Michael? I'm assuming that's your name, I thought it was funny." And Michael let out a laugh as a wide smile spread across his face. "So can I get your number?" He asked hopefully and you narrowed your eyes, taking him in. "Sure. You made me laugh but you've got balls, man." Michael chuckled as you wrote down your phone number for him.


You looked down at your shopping list as you walked round the store, you'd gotten eggs, milk, bread and you still needed a bunch of crap, you looked down at your list, not even bothering to look where you were going when something heavy shoved into your behind, sending you flying. "Holy! Oh my god! Shit! I'm so sorry!" A male voice stuttered as long pale arms helped you up. Jesus, this boy could knock you over any day, he had blue eyes that were the almost mesmerising and blonde hair twisted perfectly into a quiff. "No, no, its fine don't worry." You smiled at him, he was a damn fine sight to behold but he looked guilty. "Lucas! Apologise to the poor girl." A female voice snapped at him as she walked over to you. "Sorry for his manners, I'm Liz, that's Luke. I love him but his co ordination is awful." She smiled wistfully at her son who was staring at the ground, a deep red cropping up on his cheeks. "No, please. Its completely fine, thank you." You smiled gratefully and the woman walked back to her trolley. "Luke! Stop standing there and get her number! That's the least you could do." Luke's mum snapped again and you couldn't help but let out a giggle. "So, er, can I er, maybe get your number? You're really pretty." He said awkwardly. "I'd be honoured. You're kinda pretty too." You shrugged innocently and the blonde boy laughed, chewing a little on his lip ring.

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