Rainy Day

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"Y/N!" You heard your fiancé call from the bedroom, you'd snuck out of bed to make coffee as Ashton was still sound asleep and you didn't want to wake him but turns out your efforts had failed. "Baaaaabe!" He drawled, stomping his way into the kitchen, his pyjama pants hanging lightly off of his hips just under his V line and his hair in a golden brown disarray. "Why'd you get out of bed?" He pouted, slouching himself into a chair. "To make coffee? You know I've got work today." You told him disapprovingly. "Yes... But its raining?" He suggested and you paid attention to the window which had pain pelting against the thick glass in loud clunks. "Yes it is raining, well done Ashton, gold star!" You mocked and he gave you one of those looks that told you to shut up. "Baby please, stay with me. I can keep you nice and warm. You'll get wet if you go out, well... You'll get wet if you stay here with me but in a very different way." He winked making you let out a snort of laughter. "Fine, fine! Okay. But you better hold up your end of the deal Irwin." You said firmly and he stood up and grabbed your face in his large hands. "Oh, I will..." He whispered before crashing his lips to yours.


"Shit! Did you feel that?" Calum frowned putting his open palm out into the air, you shook your head and copied his gesture, attempting to feel the drops of rain. You and Calum were out on a picnic, it was his first day off from band stuff in months so you'd wanted to do something fun. Calum had made it super cute with little sandwiches and cherry tomatoes and he'd even brought a little blanket. You sat for a moment trying to feel the rain before a large splash down the side of your face. It had started to rain. "Oh no! Fuck sake Jesus! Can't we have one day of nice weather!" Calum bickered looking up into the sky as the rain began to fall harder. Together you packed everything away and ran back to Calum's car laughing as you tripped and slid in the wet mud. You jammed everything into the back before rushing round to the passenger seat and jumping in, feeling a bit bad that you were dripping wet and sat in Calum's car. "I'm sorry Y/N... I really wanted today to be special." Calum said sadly as he climbed in next to you. "Aw baby, it was special don't worry." You reassured him. "No we were supposed to have a nice picnic and the rain ruined it, like always." He sighed in defeat. "I'll tell you what, we are going to go home and continue our picnic and I will cook whatever you want for dinner?" You played around and his face lit up. "Tacos?" He said excitedly and you nodded your head, happy that his spirit wasn't dampened.


"Michael seriously, we've been playing GTA all day can we do something different please?" You pleaded chucking the controller onto the sofa and sighing. "Its fun. Plus this is what you're supposed to do when its horrible and raining outside." Michael replied barely removing his eyes away from the screen. You huffed in frustration and got up from the couch, about to walk to your bedroom but Michael jumped up and grabbed you from behind. "You want something fun? Follow me!" He said excitedly and rushed off out of the front door with a slam, you didn't move, what was he doing? There was a loud knock on the door and curiously you went to open it, Michael was stood there already soaked from the torrential rain, droplets falling off of his pink hair and running down his face. "Kiss me!" He shouted. "Mike what are you doing?" You asked in ashtonishment as he grabbed onto your wrist and pulled you outside into the heavy rain, you squealed out loud as the cold water hit you. "You wanted fun... Cmon, I'm tryna be cute and all, kissing in the rain?" He smirked and you smiled wildly, he certainly was an idiot, but he was the cutest idiot you'd ever met. He saw your smile and pulled you in softly for a kiss, ignoring the pellets of rain that were soaking you both, his lips were soft and warm in contrast to the rain. "Now... Let's go warm up." He grinned pulling away and walking back inside.


"Lucas! If you don't get your ass back to bed I will call your mother!" You threatened Luke as he stood at the mirror fixing his hair. It was cold and damp outside and all you wanted was to lay in bed with Luke and watch sappy movies. "Y/N, you know I have to go today. Ashton will kill me if I miss this recording." He said toughly. "Luke. One day won't kill anyone and I'm so cold and lonely." You pouted but he just looked at you from the mirror reflection with a disapproving look on his face. Time to get creative. "Oh but wait, I need to take off this top." You tried your best seductive voice and pulled off Luke's singlet revealing a carefully picked black bra, you watched Luke as he bit his lip and his face turned lustful. "Babe, this kills me but I really can't." He choked out, desperately torn between what to do. "Fine. Guess I'll just have to make do on my own." You said simply and jumped off from the bed before bending over directly in front of Luke, so he could get a good view. "Oh, fuck it!" He growled grabbing hold of you and pushing you onto the bed as you giggled in triumph.

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