Song Preference - No Control/One Direction

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"Still a trace of innocence on the pillowcase"

Your eyes fluttered open heavily and as soon as the bright morning light hit you memories of the previous night flooded back in. Ashton's shouting, his eyes livid in pure, uncensored anger, the way his once delicate voice twisted and contorted into that of pure rage. It was the angriest you'd ever seen him whilst you were arguing but last night he'd been drinking, had a bit too much alcohol in his system and when you'd confronted him about simply not doing the dishes, he'd lost it. You rolled yourself over in bed, to his side of the bed and took a large breath, the smell of his aftershave thick on his pillow, it was comforting. There was a click of a lock and a thudding of boots on the carpet as Ashton appeared at the door. He didn't say a word, just silently stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed, he laid opposite you, his hazel eyes burning into yours. "Sorry, princess." He whispered sadly and you gave him a small smile before stretching to kiss his nose. No matter how he shouted, how you argued, he was still that innocent and adorable boy you'd fallen for three years ago.

"Waking up, beside you I'm a loaded gun"

"Y/N! Babe! Babe! Wake up!" Was all you heard in your ear as the bed tilted slightly under the weight of someone moving around. Christmas morning with Calum was always sure to be fun even if his idea of getting up early was before the break of daylight. "Y/N! Its Christmas!" Calum squealed excitedly, at times like this it was hard to believe he was nearly twenty years old. "Y/N wake up! Get out of bed! I want you to open your presents!" His excitement radiated off of him and the only thing preventing you from rolling out of bed was your utter lack of energy. "Cal, just another hour or two, please?" You groaned, pulling your arm up to cover your eyes. "Fine. Actually, this is all I need." Calum began as he laid himself down next to you once more. "Waking up beside you is the greatest Christmas present I could ask for. I love you, Y/N."

"I don't want to wash away the night before." (Michaels POV)

She was beautiful, everything I'd seen of her so far was like an enchantment I couldn't take my eyes off of her, couldn't tear my mind away from her and all this from meeting her just twelve hours ago. She was unlike anyone I'd ever met. I'd met her just last night, at a party for a friends birthday and now here we were, walking home together because coincidentally we lived close to each other. The way she'd swayed her hips to the beat of the song, the way her lips curled up when she laughed, the gentle touch of her fingers against my arm as she steadied herself from falling. I didn't want this to just be a random girl, someone you meet one time and never see again. I wanted this to turn into something. "So, Y/N? Any erm, is there a- er- a chance I could... Get your number?" I managed to eventually choke out, making her chuckle. "Of course" Y/N smiled as she wrote her phone number down on my hand. "Will I see you again?" I asked quickly as she turned up a pathway signalling she was home. "Well that depends on you doesn't it, Clifford?" Y/N laughed before giving me a small wink and turning into her house.

"Powerless, and I don't care its obvious."

"Hey Y/N, can I speak to you for a minute?" Luke called out to you and warily you drew your eyes away from your phone to look at him to see if he was serious. Once you saw he was you narrowed your eyes and slowly nodded your head, you were just sat in the living room of the boys London home, Calum and Michael were engrossed in FIFA and Ashton was attempting to cook dinner. Slowly you got up and Luke led you out of the living room and into the hallway, where it was considerably quieter due to the absence of the other boys. "Okay Y/N I'm not sure how to say this." Luke began nervously, pulling at his shirt sleeves. "I'm just gonna throw it out there. I like you. I mean like, really like you. I'm powerless to everything you do and all the boys know it. They're always teasing." He blushed. "So, if you'll give me a chance, I'd like to take you out to dinner tonight, just us?" He asked nervously, trying his hardest to play it cool. "Lucas Hemmings I've never seen you blush before!" You pointed to the blossoming pink on his cheeks with a chuckle. "But yes, Luke, I'd love to go out with you." You told him as he broke out into a large smile before running off to tell the other boys he'd finally asked you out.

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