L.H - Morning Sickness

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"I'm gonna puke!" You groaned loudly, throwing yourself out of bed and rushing to the toilet, hoping that you'd make it in time. Yesterday morning you'd been a bit slow and Luke's shirt had ended up getting a new design, something he wasn't too pleased about.

You breathed heavily as you held your head above above the toilet, getting ready for the first wave of morning sickness. Obviously, you were ridiculously excited that you and Luke were going to be parents but the morning sickness was a bummer.

"Babe it'll pass soon, just think though, at the end of it we get a cute little baby!" Luke cooed, trying his hardest to sound encouraging and radiate optimism.

"Shut it Hemmings, I'd like to see you on your knees in front of the toilet, puking like there's no tomorrow and then try to be optimistic about it." You shot at him.

"Well... You being on your knees is kinda what got you into this situation in the first place..." He smirked as he snuck out of the room.

"Luke I swear, I will kick you so damn hard in the balls that when you perform on stage you'll be singing four octaves higher." You wiped your mouth with a towel and stood up, finally the feeling of morning sickness was beginning to pass over and you wanted to take the chance to eat while you still could.

You wandered back to your bedroom and plonked back down on the bed. "Y/N! Close your eyes! I made you breakfast in bed!" A cheery Luke called from the other room. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, hoping Luke had made scrambled eggs or pancakes but your hope evaporated as you realised that was highly unlikely seeing as Luke couldn't make toast without severely burning it and turning it into a piece of charcoal.

"Surprise!" He shouted and you warily opened your eyes to find Luke standing in from of you, in a pair of ugly hamburger boxers and wearing a t shirt that read 'Mr. Macho' and holding a bowl of cheerios in one hand and a glass of blackcurrant juice in the other.

"What the hell are you wearing? You look like you should be in 1994."

"That's part of the surprise. I can't really make a decent breakfast and you love being mean to people so I thought I'd dress like an idiot and that'd make you happy." He smiled sweetly and you couldn't help but grin back at him like an idiot, he knew you too well and you would have a lot of fun making as many jokes about what he was wearing as possible. He placed the bowl and glass down on the end table and took a light seat next to you, grabbing your hand and wrapping it in his own.

"I know you're having a tell rough time dealing with the morning sickness but it really isn't for long. In a few months we'll have a baby, our baby and you got to suffer through the bad parts to get to that really amazing parts. I know I'm sorta useless and don't really understand what you're going through so I stand around awkwardly and make weird jokes but I'm just trying to make things a little easier for you because even though you're very mean and sometimes your jokes cause me pain, I love you."

Your heart felt near to bursting at just how sweet Luke could be sometimes. "Luke, you dick. I love you too." You smiled fondly as he grinned a full dimpled smile and squeezed your hand, pulling you in closer as you laughed at him.


Okay holy freaking crap then she's kinda hot mv actually killed me and idek what my damn lane is now bc they all messed me up real bad.

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