Your Honeymoon

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Ashton: Ashton would want somewhere very quiet and intimate, maybe somewhere in a distant lodge in Thailand where the two of you could be together uninterrupted and be able to go out and enjoy the culture. Everyday he would insist on sightseeing and taking in as much of the Thai culture as he could including dressing the two of you in matching clothes as you walked through a street market hand in hand. He wouldn't want a massive fuss and a fancy hotel, he'd just want something really private and intimate where you could just eat dinner and laugh about your travels and take cute polaroids that he'd store in a photo album.

Calum: All about that beach, he loves the sun and sand and lounging in a deck chair underneath an umbrella with you in his arms and a cold beer by his side. He'd want to go somewhere like Jamaica purely because he loved everything about it and he'd even dress in those lame floral shirts and garish flip flops while he wore a straw hat, grinning from ear to ear because he knew he looked ridiculous but he couldn't care less because you were with him.

Michael: Michaels inclined to being pale, so he would pick somewhere that is warm and sunny but where he wouldn't tan too much, like Rome. He's not bothered about all then huge things like a lavish hotel and couple type things and he would be happy enough to honeymoon in his own bed with a Netflix subscription and you next to him but he wanted something special for you and he constantly raved about how much he loved Italian food. As far as he was concerened, he could he in a cave in Mexico and as long as you were there, it was the best thing possible.

Luke: There's nothing Luke loves more than home, so for your honeymoon he'd be very simple and take you backpacking around the country, telling you all about why Australia was the best place in the world and showing you everything he could. He'd take you to all the landmarks and the best tourist attractions and shower you with corny tourist gifts, he would insist on you wearing matching 'I <3 Australia' t shirts.

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