When He Kisses You.

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Ashton would be super gentle and just delicately press his lips to yours before pulling away. He'd smile at you as he saw your frustration and then lean in again, brushing your nose with his as he did so. He would want to keep frustrating you but eventually he wouldn't be able to help himself and would give in, allowing your lips full control over his because he was utterly powerless to your touch.


Calum would take your face in his hands and stare into your eyes, holding your gaze for a few seconds before grinning widely and pulling your face close. Calum would be very passionate and in sheer seconds the kiss would become hungry and heated, his tongue begging for entry.


Michaels kisses would be raw and lustful and he'd greedily pull your hair begging for you to be closer to him, Michael would push you against the first surface he could find and his hands would roam your body, pinching and stroking your skin as he moved delicately around your body.


Luke would be so soft with you and he would treat you like porcelain, so delicately afraid you would break beneath him. His hand would brush your cheek bone and he'd smile at how soft your skin was, he'd push his hand against your back pulling you close and then he would lean in, pressing his lips against yours, moving in synch with your own and you would feel his lips curl as he smirked.

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