Your Birthday.

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"Y/N! Y/N!" Ashton squeals excitedly from beside you. "Wake up babe! Its your birthday!" You feel his breath on your face and his long, cold fingers on your arms pulling you. "Ash no..." You groan resisting him but it makes him giggle. "Baby please." He pouts, "I brought you a present!" He almost shouts and jumps up to go and get it. You groan a little and stretch your body ready for Ashton's excitement again. You let out a groan as he jumps on top of you causing the bed to dip. "Ash? You do realise you're a giant man child right?" You ask but he just laughs at you, rolling off of you so he's facing you. In the palm of his hand was a small black box, at the sight of your panic he started to explain himself "Calm down don't worry its not an engagement ring! Not yet anyway." He smirked and pushed the box into your open hands and cautiously, you opened it. Its a little Pandora charm bracelet with the most breathtaking charms you'd seen, it must've cost him a fortune. "Ash! Oh my god!" You whispered and he grinned up at you. "Do you like it?" He smiles looking at you like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. "Ashton I love it! Its beautiful!" You gasped and you leaned in to peck his lips. "Oh and look," he said pointing to a charm that had both of your initials carved into it. "Its our initials, show the world we're together, because I love you Y/N. Happy birthday babe."


When you woke up this morning you were sad to see your bed was empty, Calum wasn't in his usual spot next to you which sucked since today was your birthday. He must've forgotten and although you were pissed you couldn't blame him, he had so much going on at the moment with the album just being released and the band about to go on tour, of course something as small as your birthday slipped his mind. You walked into your kitchen, about to put on the kettle to have some tea when you were greeted by Calum. Butt naked. He was stood facing away from you and was cooking something that smelt a lot like pancakes, you were kind of worried for him considering he was stark naked. "Calum Thomas Hood! What on earth are you doing?" You asked taking a seat at your kitchen table. He turns round and smirks at you, "Its your birthday! I'm making pancakes babe.". "Yes but why are you naked?" You laugh and suddenly realise he's wearing a beanie, the boy can go butt naked but god forbid he forgets to wear a hat. "Its called a birthday suit for a reason ya know... And Y/N I'm sorry but law of the land says you also need to be naked." He smiles cunningly to which you smile back, well two can play that game. Eventually you end up eating pancakes together, naked.


You were on your way home from work and in an incredibly bad mood, you'd had to deal with an asshole customer today who'd been very rude and to make things worse today was your birthday and your boyfriend Michael had completely forgotten. You walked home in silence with your headphones in listening to The 1975. When you got to the door you fumbled around in your bag for a few seconds for your keys, your eyes brimmed with tears, not for any particular reason but just from stress. You sighed loudly and pulled your headphones out as you turned your keys in the lock and walked into yours and Michaels shared flat. You flipped the light on and were surprised to see Michael stood there in just his boxers. "Happy birthday baby!" He screeched running to hug, before giving you even a second to think he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder ignoring your cries and dumping you on the sofa. "You didn't really think I'd forget your birthday do you?" He asked kissing your forehead and you grinned back at him. "So I've got all your favourite films right here and we are going to watch them all and have pizza and after we are going to have hot birthday sex in every room." He said seductively, you kissed him lightly before snuggling into his broad chest. God, you loved this boy.


Luke had spent the entire day finding the perfect present for your birthday. He ended up settling on a necklace and taking you out for dinner to your favourite restaurant. You enjoyed a lovely meal together, all paid for by Luke as his present to you and after you decided on a romantic walk by the lake to feed the ducks. "Have you had fun tonight babe?" Luke asked taking your hand in his. "I have Luke, it was perfect, thank you." You smiled squeezing his hand. Suddenly Luke tripped over apparently nothing and went lunging forward grabbing on to you for support. He was long and gangly, he tripped up a lot. But he sent you tumbling too, straight into the lake. You screamed as you fell into the cold water, it wasn't shallow enough for your head to go under but it went up to your waist. "Y/N!" Luke shouted over your screams and he leant a long arm which you gratefully grabbed, letting him pull you out. As soon as you were back on the dry ground he wrapped his arms round you to stop your shivering. "Y/N oh my god... I'm so sorry babe I swear, I'm so sorry. I'm so clumsy, I ruined everything." He said sadly resting his chin on your head. "No don't be silly Luke, the night was still perfect, even if you are a giant buffoon. Well, at least this is a birthday I won't forget." You say and you feel the vibrations as Luke laughs.

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