His Wedding Vows

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"Y/N, wow. I don't even know what to say, how can I describe my love for you in a short speech, I need hours, days, maybe even a week or two to be able to sum up the way you've changed my life. I haven't always had it easy... There were times in my life when I didn't think there could possibly be a light at the end of the tunnel, then I joined the band and things got easier, I had passion for my music but there was something missing. That something was you. It sounds cheesy but I knew from the second I met you, you were the one I wanted to spend my days with. I want to spend my life walking along the beach with you, holding your hand, watching the way you glow under the sunset. I want to grow old and be sat on a porch at home when we're both gray haired, listening to my old songs and laughing while we play Scrabble. My life finally made sense when you came into it and I can't imagine a day without you, you're my muse and my inspiration for writing. I need you like a flower needs the sun, like a person needs oxygen. Y/N, I wish I had longer to talk about my love for you but honestly, I just can't wait to be married to you. Absolutely, I do."


"Wow. We made it here, I didn't think your brother would actually allow it after that leaked pictures incident." He joked, making the crowd laugh. "Anyway, look at us. You're about to be my wife. Mrs. Hood. God, I love saying that, Mrs. Y/N Hood... Sounds perfect. Actually, its kinda funny how I fell in love with you because you used to get on my nerves so much. You were just Ash's annoying younger sister who had a strange obsession with TV shows, and then I realised why you annoyed me: I was butt crazy in love you and then it all changed, you were all I thought about and I got this strange feeling in my stomach whenever you were around and that night I first called you and asked you on a date I was so nervous, but when you accepted I spent the hour afterwards dancing around, I was so happy. I don't want to ramble on, although I could, because I'm sure Ash is starting to feel a bit nauseated that his best mate is marrying his sister. 100%, I do."


"I thought the perfect girl would be hard to find, I didn't think I could possibly find someone as weird as me that loved all the same things, but then you walzted into Pizza Hut with your bright pink hair and that old Pokemon shirt that was so ripped I was surprised it was even wearable, and I thought damn, she looks awesome. I had to get to know you, you accepted my offer to eat together and we sat there and you ate an entire ten inch pizza to yourself, you spoke for so long about why Sam was so important in The Lord of the Rings and when I made a joke you let out this awful laugh that was so loud and sounded like a cackle and I thought to myself, wow. That's a sound I want to hear for the rest of my life... Y/N, I'd love nothing more than to spend my life with you, staying up all night playing video games and laying in bed with Netflix. I cannot wait for you to officially be mine. I do."


"When I sat down and tried to write these vows, I found it so hard. I had so much to write and I was writing page after page so forget it, I'm gonna wing it. Y/N, you are the most phenomenal, breathtaking, amazing person I've ever met and I mean that. The way you see the world is so beautiful, you see good in everything and you make me see good in myself. I used to have a lot of self confidence issues, I didn't like the way I looked but then you came along, you loved me and you loved the parts of me I didn't like. I knew I was going to marry you the first time I introduced you to my family, mum made lasagna and you sat there laughing and joking, making my family fall as in love with you as I was. It was like you belonged with me, like you were the missing piece of me, I couldn't believe I'd met someone like you, someone who could make me feel like a better person, someone who fit so perfectly into my life. You were like the missing puzzle piece and I can't imagine my life any other way. I love you and yes, I do."

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