How You Know He's Sad

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Ashton would hide that he was sad quite well, you wouldn't be able to tell right away and it make take some time to work it out because he's so good at putting on a smile for your sake but you'd catch him out eventually, he'd end up looking off wistfully and there would just be this look of pure sorrow etched in his eyes and it would make your heart break seeing it. You would cheer him up by simply cuddling him, leaning into his chest and wrapping his long arms around your body and even if it didn't make him feel better he was happy knowing he always had you.


When he was sad he wouldn't show it how you would expect, his sadness would evolve into an anger and you'd know something was up because he would snap at you. You could be doing nothing in particular but Calum would snap and start an argument with you because he channelled his sadness into anger because it was easier to deal with. Calum could be perked up by comedy, when he would start the argument you would try to crack a joke or do something to make him smile even a little and as soon as he broke and smiled you knew he would talk to you about why he was upset and you could work through it.


Michael would be the very obvious sad person, he would lay underneath his blanket and not move for a while, putting in headphones and blanking everything out and if he didn't have access to his bed he would make you cuddle him all the time because cuddling was his comfort and if he was asking for more hugs than usual you knew he was feeling down. He would usually feel a bit better when you stripped down to your undies and climbed into bed with him, you wouldn't do anything other than cuddle and have a headphone each and you would just spoon for hours whilst listening to music, occasionally ordering some food.


It wasn't often that Luke felt sad so spotting when he was upset was very hard but he had little tells. He would chew on the sleeves of his jumper or just sit very quietly on his phone and when you would ask what was wrong he would deny it and tell you he was fine because he hated you knowing he was upset. Luke was the type of person who would feel better after getting some fresh air, just going for a stroll, hand in hand even if you didn't say two words to each other and just walked in complete silence would always leave him feeling a bit better.

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