His Guilty Pleasure

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For an unknown reason Ashton loves pedicures, he never admits it to anyone other than you because he knows the boys will tease him mercilessly but he loves it. He loves it especially when its done professionally and he'd said in the little chair like an overgrown child laughing because it tickled his foot. When the boys would ask him why his feet were in such good shape he'd tell them bullshit and pretend that you force him to do it before giving you a cheeky smirk and naughty wink.


Calum's guilty pleasure is bubble baths, beautiful, aromatic candle lit bubble baths. He'd spend plenty of time pouring in bath salts and choosing out scentful candles that he could light, and it wasn't just because he knew you loved taking baths together, there were many times you'd come home to find Calum taking a candle lit bubble bath by himself.


Michaels guilty pleasure is his inability to resist a musical whether its Mamma Mia, Rock of Ages or Sound of Music, he loves them all. Particularly Mamma Mia and he'd acted like a total child when you'd brought him the soundtrack for his birthday, he'd leapt up to play instantly whilst twirling round the room and screaming out the lyrics to Dancing Queen, you'd both ended up collapsing in a fit of giggles. Any musical he'd get completely into and when you had lazy days home alone its all he'd make you watch.


Nicki Minaj. Strangely enough considering the boy loved any band punk and listened to heavy rock, he adored Nicki Minaj and had actually cried when you'd brought the two of you tickets for her show. He knew all the lyrics to Anaconda and had even concocted a little dance that he would do for you when you were alone, one time Michael had walked in and caught him mid dance, Luke was cautious after that.

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