A.I - The Entertainer

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If someone had told you in high school that in the next five years you'd have been married, divorced and a single parent you probably would have laughed in their faces but you didn't regret the way your life turned out, your daughter, Persephone, was the most precious thing in your life and you loved her more than humanely possible.

Today was her fifth birthday party and it was going smooth, she'd absolutely adored her fantasy themed party and the kids were currently enjoying a show from the guy you'd hired for entertainment, a large and bring green dinosaur wasn't exactly what you had pictured but the children loved him.

Three hours later the party was well and truly over, everyone had gone home with a blue party bag and your daughter had fallen asleep on the soda whilst watching Anastasia. You smiled adoringly at the sight of her asleep from pure exhaustion and made your way to the kitchen to begin the gargantuan amount of washing up you were now left with.

"Hey!" You yelped in shock as you walked into the kitchen to be met by the kids entertainer, sat at the kitchen island and swigging from a bottle of Lambrini.

"Excuse me? What are you doing?"

"Drinking? Duh." You looked at him wildly.

"In my kitchen? Shouldn't you have left?" You heavily gestured to the door.

"Can't leave without payment m'lady." He smiled innocently. Dang it, he was right.

"Look my purse is upstairs and I need to get started on these dishes, could you just hang on?"

"I surely can." You stuck your hands into the sink and began the job. "So, being a kids performer huh?"

"Pays the bills. Barely, but it gets me by. I'm saving up for a pair of drums." He nodded.

"Drums, really?" A grown man dressed as a dinosaur and drinking lambrini in the middle of the day, he didn't seem like the musician type.

"Yep." He popped the p. "Music is my passion. I've got some friends that wanna start up a band but can't really afford it so we gotta work the crappy jobs."

You pouted to yourself, that really blew. "That's tough.."

"It is. Its so hard sometimes, it feels like a dead end, it feels like we're never going to break out of these menial jobs. We want to be something, share our passion but its so hard when people are tearing you down, making you believe the only way to be successful is go to university and get a high earning job and putting this inescapable pressure on you that job success is the only way your life has meaning." He sighed heavily, wow, this had gotten deep.

"I know what you mean. Society today is brutal, its all about meeting other peoples expectations and being a tiny worker ant under the thumb of a sexist and demeaning government." You understood him totally.

"I've never met someone who understands." His smile was beautiful and full of meaning and compassion.

"Most people understand I think, its just admitting your insecurities in your future is hard."

"Can we go out sometime?" His question was out of the blue but you were incredibly flattered.

"Wow. Yes, I'd love to." You gushed.

"Actually our band has a show this week, we've got a kick ass cover of Rolling in the Deep by Adele, I'd be honoured if you would come."

"Count me in."


Kinda weird au here but it kind works and it turned into a bit of a rant about how I feel about how society puts a lot of pressure upon young people.

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