Cold Feet

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You were sat in your fiancé Ashton's home having a meal with your closest family and friends, his siblings and mother and the other members of the band. You were having dinner together because tomorrow was the day you and Ashton were getting married, you weren't into all that traditional stuff and didn't believe in the 'groom can't see the bride the night before' crap. Everything was wonderful, the evening was full of laughter, Ashton was telling Harry about his duty as his best man and Lauren was fawning over your dress which she'd seen earlier in the day. Then something hit you and the dawning realisation that your wedding was tomorrow sunk in, you were getting married tomorrow, what if Ashton didn't really love you? You gave Lauren a quick smile and returned to your dinner, eating quietly and not looking at anyone else. Ashton must have caught wind of your sudden behaviour change because he put his hand on your knee from under the table and whispered softly in your, "Everything okay, darling?" To which you replied with a wry nod. Once everybody had finished eating you offered to go the kitchen and begin cleaning, of course his mother said no but you insisted and went anyway. You stood at the sink and began running the water when you heard gentle steps behind you and then felt warm breath at your neck, Ashton whirled you round to face him and put his hand on your cheek. "Y/N what's wrong? And don't say nothing, I know when something's up." He asked severely, searching your eyes for an answer, you might as well be honest. "I'm scared, Ash. For tomorrow, what if you decide you don't love me anymore? Or what if you want somebody else more?" You say sadly, unable to look him in the eyes. He pulls your chin up to meet his gaze once again and uses his thumb to graze your cheek bone.

"Y/N, I love you. More than anything else I can think of, I want to be with you every single day and be by your side through every rough time. Let me do that, because I'm in love with you." He smiled ruefully, and you nodded warmly knowing Ashton truly loved you.


You'd just got back in from a wild hen party, there was male strippers and a lot of shots and even a man dressed up in a panda costume, safe to say things had gotten kinda weird. You were crashing at your best friend's place tonight so that you wouldn't see Calum but as you lay there in bed you started to become overwhelmed with sadness, you missed him, his radiating warmth laying next to you. Then you thought about what he must be doing right now, probably still on his stag night and you knew Calum well enough to know there was probably nudity involved and then it must've been the alcohol having an effect but you couldn't stop thinking about the time he'd cheated, it hadn't meant anything, he was drunk out of his mind and hardly knew his own name but what if he got in that state tonight? You couldn't stop a tear from escaping and in your drunken state you couldn't care less, you started sobbing loudly. Y/BF/N (Your best friends name) walked into the room and took one look at you bawling on the sofa bed before pulling her phone out of her pocket and dialling Calum's number. Thirty minutes later Calum arrived at the door, flustered and cheeks pink from the cold. "She's on the sofa bed." Your friend explained to him, letting him in and pointing him in your direction, he immediately took off his shoes and jacket and climbed in next to you wrapping his arms around you. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked concern thick in his voice. "I'm scared Cal, what if you cheat again?" You confessed not trying to look him in the face. "Y/N... It was a mistake. I swear to you its never gonna happen again. To prove it I'm staying here tonight." He said determinedly. "Calum its back luck to see the bride before the wedding!" You accuse. "I don't care babe. I want to be here with you, its my favourite place in the world."


"I can't do this!" You screech at Michael as you're arguing with him about who left the coffee out. It was a few days before your wedding and you and Michael had been arguing constantly, not even about anything worthwhile, every single stupid thing would spark an argument. The wedding stress was getting to the both of you. "Fuck sake Y/N I'm not going through this again!" He shouts at you about to walk out the door. "Of course Michael fucking leave! Its what you do best!" You spit viciously. "Why don't we just call this while thing off?" You shout at him and he turns round to look at you, hurt in his eyes. "You want to call the wedding off?" He murmurs. "Maybe, I don't know! All we do is argue Mikey, its driving me insane." You admit. "We're a couple, were getting married in a few days of course we argue, doesn't mean we want to break up?" He says still looking hurt.

"I'm sorry Mike, I'm so stressed out all the time, this is harder than I thought." You whispered and walked towards his outstretched arms cuddling into his neck. "Its not gonna be easy baby, but we do it together, I love you and I can't wait to get married." He smiles into your ear.


God you were so stupid, you'd just ran off from your rehearsal dinner after seeing Luke talking to his old girlfriend. They'd also been engaged at one point but it had fallen through, Luke didn't like talking about it much. You couldn't handle seeing them together right now, not the day before your wedding and you bolted for the door not caring about anything. You started to walk down the road but realised you didn't actually have anywhere to go so you headed for the shop with the intention of buying some cigarettes, you'd given up smoking a while ago but the stress had you itching for nicotine. "Y/N!" You heard a familiar voice shout from behind you. "Y/N what are you doing!" Luke yelled after you, jogging to catch up. "I saw you with her Luke!" You snarled making his face drop. "She was just saying congratulations she wasn't doing anything." He said quietly. "You still love her don't you?" You accused him and he looked shocked. "What? Y/N no! I love you. I broke off my engagement with her, for you... I've never told you that because I felt awful for breaking her heart when she didn't do anything, but it was you. It always has been and always will be." He smiles taking your hand. You smile back and let him lead you home, back to your rehearsal dinner.

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