Telling You He Loves You

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You were sat together in Costa, you hadn't planned on going in but it was so cold outside you both wanted to be somewhere warm. You'd gone to sit down by the window whilst Ashton went and ordered, you rubbed your hands together trying to warm them up as you watched him walk up, damn that boy has a fine ass, you thought to yourself with a smirk. A few minutes later he sat back down and passed you your cup of hot chocolate and you gratefully wrapped your hands around it, embracing the warmth. Ashton took a sip of his coffee before placing the cup upon the table and then taking your hands in his own. "Y/N I've got something I have to tell you." He said nervously looking into your eyes for a reaction. "What is it? You're breaking up with me aren't you?" You asked hesitantly. "No! No don't be stupid. Actually what I wanted to say... Was that I love you." He murmured, his soft cheeks going pink from embarrassment, your mouth popped open in shock and you broke into a wide smile. "Ashton. I... I love you too." You told him making him grin and he squeezed your hands tightly happy that you were truly his.


You were side stage at your boyfriend Calum's show, they were performing their first show at The Forum and it was a huge deal for the band, you couldn't be prouder of everything they had achieved. "Guys... Before we start I have something I wanna say." Calum smiled into the microphone, the roar of the crowd pumping him up. "This is the first time I'm saying this and I wanted it to be really special. Y/N... I love you. You're my inspiration and my reason for smiling. I'm so in love with you and everything you do. This ones for you babe." Calum grinned turning his head to you and winking before the opening chords of English Love Affair started to play.


You'd been sat playing two player on Mario Kart for the past two hours, Michael was sulking slightly because you'd beaten him four times in a row. "Mikey accept it, you're a loser." You laughed brushing his hair. "I'm not a loser you're a loser, loser." He frowned trying to pull an angry face but failing and looking like a cute kitten. "I'm not a loser, I'm awesome." You say and lean in to kiss him lightly, he closes his eyes and kisses you back. "God, I love you..." He whispers. You pull back from him, eyes wide and stare at him, he looked embarrassed. "You love me?" You asked, shocked. "No... I was talking to Princess Peach, obviously." He feigned innocence. "Michael Gordon Clifford you're a giant liar. And also a loser but that's besides the point." You chirp. "You know what? You're right. I'm a loser and I'm in love with you. Do you hear that people of the world? I'm in love with Y/N!" He shouted to the empty room and you leaned into kiss him again. "I love you too Mikey."


"See the thing is..." Luke began. He was sat in front of you cross legged where you'd been sat for the past fifteen minutes whilst he struggled trying to find the right words. Luke was adorably awkward and it was one of the many things you loved about him. "Y/N see I wanna tell you..." He trailed off again looking round the room for divine inspiration. "For Christ's sake Luke spit it out!" You laugh slapping his arm lightly. "Okay okay! Here goes, Y/N I love you. Everyday with you is amazing and you're the inspiration for Beside You, I wrote it a few days after we left for tour when I was missing you most. Please say you love me back or this'll be super weird." He smirks trying to act like he isn't insanely nervous.  "Lucas. Of course I love you, you're my little giant and I'm completely in adoration of you." He leans forward and kisses you, pushing you back so you're both laying on the floor, him hovering above you and you feel his smile as his lips touch yours.

Brb crying bc I'm so in love with this dumb band

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