M.C - Drunk

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You growled out loud in frustration as you watched the clock on your phone screen turn to 1am. Michael had gotten home from the big tour yesterday and he'd barely spent any time with you, instead choosing to do drinking with the boys.

It was his first time back home in four months, you'd seen him just a month ago because he'd suprised you with tickets for their show in LA for your birthday, you'd been ecstatic when you opened the post to find two plane tickets and a letter from Michael explaining what he'd done. Of course it was amazing, the show kicked ass and you'd spent the day with the band but it wasn't the same, you hadn't had a chance to be with him or spend any alone time together as a couple and there wasn't anything you wanted more than to just snuggle on the sofa and watch a crappy film and wake up with his long arms curled around your waist.

You went upstairs in search of a blanket and changed into a pair of pyjamas, you'd actually been wearing a gorgeous one piece that you'd specifically brought from Victoria's Secret for tonight, it red and black lace and it would have had Michael begging on his knees. However he wasn't home so no point in flouncing around in sex underwear if you're alone.

Dragging the blanket back down the stairs to the sofa you curled yourself up, wrapping your arms round your knees and letting out a loud sigh, you were so pissed off with Michael. You picked up the remote and began aimlessly flicking through the channels in an attempt to find something decent to watch, eventually settling on a re-run of Desperate Housewives. After a few minutes you felt a bit better as you laughed at the characters on screen but you were brought out of it by a loud honking outside.

Frowning, you got up and slowly peeled the curtains back. Outside in a taxi was Luke and Michael and damn Michael looked wrecked. "Y/N!" Luke called out. "Y/N, cmon I know your not asleep! Can you come and help me please?" He shouted and in annoyance you pulled on a pair of shoes and a jumper that had been discarded on the back of the sofa and went outside.

Luke was attempting to haul Michael out of the taxi, but the red haired boy was having none of it. He was clinging to Luke like a koala, his pale arms cuddled around Luke's long legs as Luke awkwardly tried to shake him off and Luke let out a sigh of relief as he spotted you. "Ah Y/N, thank god. He's drank a little too much and I can't get him to move." Luke shook his head and smiled as Michael groaned. You narrowed your eyes and crouched down to Michael's level, his legs were still on the taxi seat and his torso was sticking out, one arm still squeezing Luke's leg and the other dangling to the ground. "Michael?" You whispered and he sat up, eyes widening and smiling like a child.

"Y/N!" He slurred and pulled himself from the taxi as Luke relished his freedom from Michael's clutches and went to pay the taxi driver, muttering a string of apologies. Michael clung to you now and he put his head in your shoulder, putting one hand on your ass and the other round your bad. "Baby I've missed you." He slurred placing sloppy kisses on your neck.

"How romantic. We need to get you inside." You told him and withdrew from his hold but regretted it instantly as he collapsed to the ground. "For gods sake Mike!" You bitched and bent down to pick him up, Luke walking over and helping. Together you half lifted Michael and dragged him inside allowing him to collapse on to the sofa.

"How much has he drank?" You asked Luke.

"A lot. He did a lot of shots..." Luke mumbled as you both stood at the foot of the sofa, watching Michael groan and turn.

"You shouldn't have let him drink this much, Luke." You scolded. "You know how he gets when he drinks too much."

"I know Y/N and I'm sorry but its kinda hard to tell him what to do. After the fifth shot you shoulda heard him." Luke sniggered. "Wouldn't stop going on and on about you, how perfect you were, how he loved it when your hair tickled his chest, how he was knew you were the one and couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you, it got pretty cringey..." Luke trailed off avoiding you gaze as your mouth fell open in shock.

"He said that?" You whispered and Luke nodded with a proud smile on his face and all your annoyance and anger faded away.

"He's an idiot Y/N, but he loves you. More than... More than I've ever seen someone love another person. I know you're pissed because he was meant to be with you tonight but give him a break, he's a dick but he's a dick that is completely in love with you." Luke said wistfully.

"I know... He's my dick." You smiled fondly making Luke laugh.

"Alright well I gotta get going, I promised Cal I'd be his wingman." Luke feigned dread.

"Okay, thanks Luke, for bringing him home and looking after him." You said as you walked Luke to the door, he turned round and gave you a quick peck on the cheek before running off outside in search of a new taxi, shouting a quick 'see ya later' as he disappeared. You shut the door with a smile as you walked back to Michael who had now managed to drag himself into a sitting position and was drinking a glass of water.

"Feeling better yet, sunshine?" You half laughed as you sat down next to him, he groaned and took another swig.

"Sorry babe... I w-was supposed to spend tonight with you..." He slurred between mouthfuls.

"Its fine. You're here now and that's what matters." You said brushing his hair from his face which felt clammy under your touch. He put the glass down and stretched himself out on the sofa, pulling you down with him and wrapping his arms and legs around your own.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled again, running his hands up your waist and placing his face against the back of your neck.

"Shut up apologising Mikey! Yes you're a jerk, but I still love you." You reassured him and felt his slow smile on your skin.

"I love you so much Y/N..." He finally said before drifting off into a peaceful sleep as you smiled and let yourself get comfortable as you were finally where you wanted, safe and secure in Michael's hug.

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