If He Were A Bad Boy In School

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Ashton: I think if Ashton was like the bad boy image type it would be because he doesn't really give a crap about consequences, he would take you out at 2am to spray paint a massive grafitti drawing on the side of your school building and he would always call you up at random times to go and climb buildings in the middle of the night, it would be 5am and the sun would be starting to rise and you would be sat hand in hand with Ashton, your legs dangling over the edge of the building as you watched the sun come up and sat drinking a couple of beers.

Calum: Calum would be so damn hot like he would be that one guy every girl secretly wants to bang but you would be the one to get him. He would smoke on his breaks despite the fact he'd been told numerous times smoking wasn't allowed on school property and he would be ballsy enough that when he was asked to put the cigarette out he would offer one to the teacher. You two would secretly sneak out of lesson to have a cigarette at the back of the school field where he would sit cross legged and you would lay with your head in his lap and just talk until it was time to go inside.

Michael: Michael would just be the plain sailing bad boy, he wasn't openly bad but his "I seriously don't give a crap" attitude towards school was what brought out his rebellious side and he always made it clear that school was irrelevant because he was going to be a big rock star, most days he would skip school entirely ask you to ditch with him, you'd just drive out of town and go find some weird arcade where he would waste all his money trying to win but he would win you the most adorable teddy bear that reminded you he was an angel at heart.

Luke: Luke wouldn't be bad at all, but he would certainly look the part. He would rock up to school in his leather jacket and jeans that were so ripped you were surprised they could still be worn and he was so quiet that everyone would think he was this mysterious bad boy with some sordid past but in reality he was the sweetest kid and he genuinely cared about getting good grades, although when you two would get together to study he would show how bad he could be by being the ultimate distraction, running his hands up your leg and whispering sweet nothings into your ear until your homework was on the floor and you were doing Luke instead.

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