Type Of Boyfriend He Is

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Ashton: Ash would be a really protective boyfriend, the kind that always has one arm around you in public just to make sure everyone knew you belonged to him. Whenever another man would simply look at you Ashton would get this little jealous grimace that he just couldn't hide no matter how hard he wanted to and he'd tighten his arm around your waist and hold you closer. When another man would talk to you he'd develop a protective and defensive stance and he'd cross his arms over and lock his jaw so his face looked very cold and unwelcoming. If he felt threatened he would pull you into him and very delicately kiss behind your ear, the type of kiss that made your legs quiver and your stomach do somersaults. He would then pull away from you and would break out into a smug little grin that he couldn't hide, knowing that you were powerless to him.

Calum: I think Calum would be a really playful boyfriend, any excuse or oppurtunity to tickle you or touch you and make you giggle. He would make you laugh at the most inappropriate moments, in awkward silences and whenever he was on stage he would always find you in the crowd just to pull faces at you. After a long time of not seeing you he would break out into a huge, pure and stunning smile and just pull you in, wrap his arms around you to hold you to his chest and he'd smile so much that he would eventually complain that his cheeks hurt.

Michael: Sex, sex and more sex. Anywhere, anytime. Michael would be the horniest, dirtiest boyfriend possible. He would pull you away at the worst times and would want to have sex in every imaginable place whether it was in the airplane toilets or backstage at one of his shows, he took every opportunity to ravish you. On the flip side he would also be very adorable, he would lean all his weight onto you for a hug unaware that he was much taller than you and almost crushing you everytime and he would spend hours in bed cuddling and talking about absolutely everything from politics to whether Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield was a better spiderman.

Luke: I think Luke would be the sweetest possible boyfriend to exist, he would never be so outright with you when you were together the way Michael would but he would very sweetly entwine your hand in his and twiddle your thumbs. You'd catch him sometimes just looking at you with a little smile on his face, like he was the luckiest person in the world and everytime you caught him staring he would blush and erupt in a bashful smile. However, as sweet as he was he could also be very dirty, in the bedroom he would be a completely different person and the words that came out of his mouth would make a priest blush.

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