Rebelling Strike

209 3 1

[June 16 2020, Tuesday]
[Ren's Room, LeBlanc Cafe]
[11:10 PM]

(Joker equips his grappling hook, sheathes his dagger and inserts the magazine clip to his pistol before pulling the rack. Oracle notices.)

Oracle: What the-? Is that real?!

(Mona licks his paw to fix his fur then tightens his yellow scarf.)

Mona: Mmhhmm. Crazy, no?

Oracle: Honestly, after everything what's happening. I think not.

(Oracle cracks her knuckles and puts on her goggles.)

Joker: Everyone ready?

Mona: Yes, Leader!

Oracle: Ready to go!

Joker: Good, it's just the three of us.

Mona: Feels like the first time all over again.

Oracle: I'll be at your back at all times, you two best be careful!

Mona: We will.

(They all head down, Sojiro notices the three.)

Sojiro: Wow, so that's how the Phantom Thieves look, huh?

Oracle: Feels great to be wearing it again.

(Sojiro notices Mona, seeing his alternate form for the first time.)

Sojiro: Is that.... Morgana?

Joker: Oh- yeah... Uhm.... Kinda complicated to explain.

Sojiro: I thought all of you understanding him was crazy enough.

Oracle: Hehe.

Joker: We gotta get going, time's ticking.

Sojiro: Before you do.

(Sojiro grabs for a stainless steel travel mug, filled with hot coffee. He hands it to Joker.)

Sojiro: You better come back with enough energy left in you.

Joker: Heh, just what I really need. Thanks, Sojiro-san.

(Sojiro smiles)

Sojiro: My pleasure as always.

Joker: Let's go.

Oracle: Mm!

(Futaba waves goodbye, The three head outside LeBlanc.)

[Yongen-Jaya Alley]

(Mona runs ahead, he jumps and switches into his van form. The van lands to its 4 wheels as the engine revs with a meow.)

Mona: Come on!

Oracle: I haven't seen that in awhile! Sweeeeet~

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